Chapter (25) Twenty-Five ~ ...the pilot

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The floor beneath us blew up in flames, making all of us fall into different areas.

"Hill!" Fury groaned as he sat up.

"External detonation. Number three engine is down. Somebody's got to get outside and patch that engine."

"Stark, you copy that?" Fury asked as he helped me up.

"I'm on it."

"Coulson, initiate defensive lockdown in the detention section, then get to the armory. Romanoff?"

"We're okay." Natasha's breathy reply came after a moment.

"How about you?" The man looked toward me.

"I'm fine. But I might have busted open my stitches." I grunted as we walked, holding my side.

"You think you can wait with getting patched back up?"

"Oh, yeah. I'll be fine."

"Bring the carrier about to a 1-8-0, heading south!" Fury yelled as we entered the bridge, seeing agents running all over the place. "Take us to the water!"

"We're flying blind. Navigation's recalibrating after the engine failure." One of our agents spoke.

"Is the sun coming up?" Fury stalked towards the man.

"Yes, sir."

"Then put it on the left. Get us over water." He ordered. "One more turbine goes down, and we drop."

"Well shit," I mumbled, watching through the security cameras as Thor and Hulk destroy one of the jets.

"We need full evac on the lower hangar bay." Fury told Hill as she walked by.

I watched as she nodded, getting two agents to follow her before something rolled towards her feet.

"Granade!" She yelled, jumping on the agent beside her and flinging them off the platform. My eyes widened as I ducked, feeling a bit of the heat from the grenade on my back when it went off.

I went to help Maria as Fury started attacking the three agents under Loki's control. The fourth one was about to get him, but I was able to pull out my gun and shoot him down right in time, Maria leaning on me for support as blood spilled down the side of her face.

"We've got a perimeter breach! Hostels are in SHIELD gear. Call-outs at every junction." I said over the PA, alerting everyone.

"We have the Hulk and Thor on Research Level 4. Levels 2 and 3 are dark." Another voice came over the speakers as Fury, Hill and I shot at the new threats.

"Sir, the Hulk will tear this place apart!" Maria yelled up to Fury.

"Get his attention."

"Escort 6-0, proceed to Wishbone and engage hostile," Maria said into her com. "Don't get too close."

"They're not getting through here, so what the hell..." I started to mumble to Fury, right before another explosion went off. I looked up to see Clint firing two more arrows, though the third didn't explode like the others.

"Engine one is now in shit-down." The agent on the PA said, the whole helicarrier tilting to the side a moment later.

"Sir, we've lost all power in engine one."

"It's Barton. He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level." I said through the comms.

"Does anybody copy that?" Fury asked.

"This is Agent Romanoff. I copy." I sighed upon hearing Natasha's voice, glad she was okay.

"Stark, we're losing altitude."

Otherwise Known As... | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now