Chapter (16) Sixteen ~ ...the girl who hopes you won't be mad

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"Johann Schmidt belongs in a bughouse. He thinks he's god, and he's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the USA."

Howard and I heard Colonel Phillips announce, starting the meeting being held. Howard managed to get me out of bed in time for us to get there relatively on time.

"Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities," Howard said as we got to the table, both of us taking a seat. "He gets across the Atlantic, he will wipe out the entire Easters Seaboard in an hour."

The room went quiet, processing the information.

"How much time we got?" Gabe Jones, part of the Howling Commandos asked.

"According to my new best friend, under 24 hours," Phillips answered.

"Where is he now?"

"Hydra's last base is here." Phillips pointed to the picture he was holding up. "In the Alps, 500 feet below the surface." He tossed the photos down in front of Jim Morita, another Commando.

"So what are we supposed to do?" He asked as he looked threw the photos in front of him. "I mean, it's not like we can just knock on the front door."

"Why not?" Steve asked, gaining everyone's attention. "That's exactly what we're going to do."


"Miss. Stark I would like to have a word with you before you go." Colonel Phillips said as everyone else started making their way out of the room.

"What can I help you with, Colonel?"

"I want you to come with us for this one," Phillips announced, finishing putting all his files and notes in his briefcase.

"Sir?" I had never been on an actual mission before. Any so-called mission I did have was to stay safe, protect Howard, and build weapons for the army. I was never sent out on missions like Steve or even Peggy.

"I would like to think I know Rogers pretty well at this point. And if I do, I know he will do something dumb to save or help the world." I nodded, agreeing with the statement. I mean, the man fell out of my flying plane when we were getting shot at. "I want you to be there to help him with the plane that's caring the bombs. Try to figure out how to disable it and, if in the air, land the sucker safely."

I thought about it for a moment, but in reality, I didn't need it. I already knew my answer when he told me his reasons.



"Yeah. I'll do it." I nodded with a slight shrug.

"Huh, thought it would of taken a bit more convincing." He said as he started walking away. "Oh," turned, right as he got to the door. "And you're the one that has to tell Howard."

I scowled as he disappeared around the corner. How was I supposed to do that without Howard changing me to the ground so I didn't leave?


I chickened out. I left a letter.

Dear Howard,

Please don't be mad at me. I know that's probably not the best way to start this letter, but I had to anyway.

You might have figured it out by the time you find this, but I left with Steve and them to join the mission. Colonel Phillips asked me to so I could help Steve with the bombs and plane. I knew you would probably chain me to the ground so I couldn't leave with them, but I had to go.

I hope you understand, and I hope you aren't too mad at me when I get back.


Your sister who loves you, Olivia Stark
(Otherwise known as the girl who hopes you won't be too mad upon her return)

Otherwise Known As... | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now