Chapter (3) Three ~ ...the girl who gave you free expensive tickets

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'Should I do it?' Olivia thought to herself as she stared at the two tickets she was given. Howard had given her two tickets for the expo in hope that Olivia would send them to her new "friends" that wrote to her all those weeks ago. He hadn't seen her smile like that since before the start of the construction of the car they worked on, and he hoped that it would come back if she saw the two again.

She thought it was weird that Howard was openly encouraging her to hang out with two men, though he also thought they were both women, as she had been referring to them as Jamie and Stephanie.

It was always funny when he asked what they looked like and how hot they were.

Olivia stopped her mind from second-guessing herself, sat down at her desk, and wrote a short letter addressed to both boys.

Dear Bucky and Steve,

Hello. I know I haven't been able to write to you lately, but as you know I have had a very big project that I needed to finish.

Well, guess what?

It is! I would love it if you two came to the Stark Expo, and that you are at the main stage of the Modern Marvels Pavilion section by 10:30 pm to see its presentation. We can even meet up right after if you stay in front of the stage. Don't worry about finding me, since it would probably be easier for me to find you. And also don't worry about buying tickets, as I have been gifted two tickets by my brother to send to my new friends. They are provided in the envelope this letter was in.

I hope this letter has reached you in time since I'm sending this a bit later than I should have. I hope to see you there!

Your's truly,

Olivia S.
(Otherwise known as the girl who gave you free expensive tickets, meaning you have to at least come to see my work for that reason alone.)

Olivia quickly put it and the tickets in the envelope, and after checking both tickets were in there three different times, officially closed the envelope and gave it to one of her assistants to send out.

Bucky's POV ~

I went home, expecting to find Steve doodling in his little book, so I could tell him the news of my enlistment orders, but instead, I find an empty apartment and a letter from the dame that saved Steve's ass not long ago.

I read through it, finding the tickets after she mentioned them in her letter, and smile at the thought of seeing her again before I leave. I quickly throw my jacket and hat back on before rushing out the door, looking for the punk so we can get ready for the expo.


I'm walking around the theater when I hear a scuffle in the ally beside it. I go in deeper only to find the punk I was looking for getting the shit beat out of him.

"Hey," I say, pulling the asshole off of my friend and pulling him behind me. "Pick on someone your own size." He tries to take a swing at me, but I easily dodge and punch him square in the nose, flinging his body so he was facing away from me. While he was facing away, I kicked his ass, sending him running.

"Sometimes, I think you like getting punched," I say, walking over to Steve and picking up the enlistment form laying beside him. "How many times is this? Oh, you're from Paramus now? You know it's illegal to lie on your enlistment form. And seriously, Jersey?"

Steve finally looked up at me, looking at my uniform before finally settling on my eyes. "You get your orders?"

"... The 107th. Sargent James Barnes, shipping out for England first thing tomorrow." I say, not entirely happy about going overseas. Sure, it's an honor to fight for my country or whatever, but I never truly wanted to go. Sometimes I wished I was never drafted.

Otherwise Known As... | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now