Chapter (34) Thirty-Four ~ ...the girl who wishes you could have said goodbye

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September 1st, 2014

Dear Jamie,

So... I'm back at work! Of course, I was able to come back two years ago. It's been a while since I've written to you. A lot had happened in that first year, unlike this one. I got powers! Steve says you would geek out over them, but, part of me isn't so sure.

The public doesn't know of my new ability, and I am very grateful for that. I don't want them to see me as a monster. A thing that can control people's blood, and therefore themselves. A thing that should be locked up.

It's one of the reasons I'm happy staying behind at headquarters, watching over Fury and handling things down in the engineering department. No one has to know outside of the Avengers and a few members of SHIELD. I'm happy to keep it that way.

Steve is down here in Washington with Nat and me. He's been going on more and more missions, which is great and all, but part of me thinks something is wrong with him. Okay, that definitely could sound different than how I mean it.

Steve's just been... distant, lately. He doesn't really go out if not for a mission, his daily run, or a weekly trip to the Smithsonian. I go on runs with him every so often, especially since I find it amusing the way he messes with the other man who runs around the reflection pool here in DC. Whenever I join, Steve yells his "On your left" while I'll yell "On your right" every time we go to pass him.

It pisses him off so much it's hilarious.

I think Steve's become a bit depressed, being in this new era, and I don't know how to help him. It's probably not helping that Peggy is getting worse and worse every day, barely able to hold a conversation with someone before she forgets who they are or when they came into her room.

And it definitely doesn't help that you aren't here.

I just wish we could see you again. Just one last time. Or even just have you see Steve again if you can't see me. I have your letters to look back on, while Steve just has the memories of you falling from the train. I think you should see him more if you somehow could.

Wherever you are though, I hope you're at least doing well. Say hi to Howard for me, will you? Tell him I miss his dumb ass.

Agent Olivia E. Stark
(Otherwise known as the girl who wishes you could have said goodbye.)

I tapped my nails on my desk, staring down at the letter I just finished writing. Sighing, I took my keys and unlocked the bottom drawer of my desk, typing in the key code so the secret compartment would open. When it did, several other letters that I needed to take home popped into view as I added the one I just wrote, closing the compartment, and then the drawer.

"Um, Agent Stark?" I looked up at the knock at my office door, seeing one of my workers peeking his head into the room.

"What's up, Mateo?" I asked the man.

"Um, we have a little problem down in section 2." Right as the man finished speaking, a large blast was heard, making me and Mateo cringe.

"Come on, let's go see how you messed it up this time." I chuckled, getting up and walking to the door.

"Agent Stark? I heard the blast from my office what is going on?" Nick Fury's voice came through my earpiece.

"Don't worry, Director. My guys just got a little excited again. I'll handle it."

"You better. I don't need to pay for more damages to that lab of yours if it's just going to keep blowing up."

"But that's the whole fun of building what we build." I mock pouted.

Otherwise Known As... | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now