Chapter (69) Sixty-Nine ~ ...the man that does love you

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Olivia's POV~

"I still say we could have figured something out! You don't need to do this, Jamie."

"Doll, you were one of the people that thought it was a good idea." Bucky gave me a pointed look as a nurse got him ready to be put into Cyrofreeze.

"That doesn't mean I'm right!" I yelled, though quickly pouted when he just blankly stared at me. "Fine, I'm always right, I'm a fucking genius. But I still hate how you agreed to it."

"It'll be fine, doll. Alex is here, and she'll hopefully help things go much faster, and more importantly, smoother." Bucky pulled me towards him, engulfing me in a hug.

Even with one arm, I felt like he was swallowing me into him.

"It better be faster. I don't wanna wait much longer to be with you. I've already waited almost 70 years to be with you properly. I don't wanna wait another 70."

"Aww, you like me that much, doll?" He smirked, a smug look coming across his face.

"I love you, Jamie," I told him seriously, making his face fall. "I love you, and I hate the idea of us separating again. We just got each other back."

"Doll..." He sighed, seeming to try and find the right words. "You haven't gotten me back just yet. Not fully. Not until Hydra is fully removed from my mind."

"But there's gotta be a way-"

"There isn't, doll. None that your brilliant mind could find, anyway. And I knew you would find one if there was a chance, but there isn't. You said so yourself." He cut me off, making me glare.

"I could try again," I argued, though all I got was an eye roll back.

"Olivia, leave the poor man alone." Alex lightly scolded me as she and Steve walked into the room, Sam trailing behind them.

"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled, giving Bucky one last glance before walking over to her and Sam, giving Bucky and Steve a moment to talk.

"Did you tell him?" Sam pestered as I walked around the small lab, making sure everything was as it should be.

"Yeah, I did." I nodded, already knowing what he meant.


I sighed, my eyes closing as I felt a sudden pang in my heart.

"He didn't say it back."

"Oh, Oliv." He mumbled, pulling me into a hug.

While the two of us weren't extremely close, Sam has slowly begun to be like a brother to me, and I will forever be grateful for everything he's helped Steve and me with over the years.

"It's fine. He's probably just not ready. I'll be okay." I shrugged him off, turning away from him.

"If you say so." He said, and I could practically hear his eye roll. "But I'm proud of you for at least telling him. And hey, maybe he'll say it back once that shit's out of his head."

"Yeah, maybe."


Not long after Bucky went under the ice, Steve, Sam, and I all went back to the compound to discuss Avery's new Accords. Everything went really smoothly, all things considered.

Alex and Loki actually ended up stopping by as well, announcing that Alex was not only pregnant -which I for one already knew- but they were getting re-married, or getting their vows renewed... I don't know, it was something like that.

Otherwise Known As... | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now