Chapter (29) Twenty Nine ~ ...the girl who hurt her friend

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Dear Jamie,

It's been a while since I've written to you. I know you're gone, but it seems this habit of ours hasn't left me just yet.

It's that time of year again. I know no one else knows, maybe Natasha because I'm sure she looked into you, and for obvious reasons Steve, but other than that everyone has just been going on with their lives.

I should be joining them, but I ended up caving and taking the day off. I've spent most of the day in my room here at the tower, going over our older letters Howard and Tony saved, which is probably why I felt like writing to you now.

Nothing much has changed since I last saw you.

Okay, that's a complete and total lie.

Everything changed.

I don't have any of my family with me, since my parents and Howard died long ago.

That's an exaggeration. I still have Steve and Liv, and I also have a nephew, Anthony, who has his own daughter, Morgan. I love them, though they live all the way in California so I can't see them as often as I want. There are also these other six people from our group, the Avengers, who have become sort of my found family. We are all staying here in Tony's tower to deal with a... situation... of sorts. 

It's nice with them around.

The world has become more advanced in just about everything, from their technology to their science, to their transportation. And their televisions are all screen now! No more 10-inch screens where you can barely see the picture.

Tony and Natasha, one of the other Avengers, have helped me a lot with adjusting to the new world and getting caught up when using technology. They've helped me a lot over these couple of years, and I am very grateful for them.

I really miss you, Jamie. I don't think there's a day that goes by that I don't think about you. Steve and Natasha have both said that they think I'm in love with you, which I think is absolutely ridiculous.

First of all, I don't think the six months of sending each other letters would create that kind of connection. Second of all, it's been seventy years. I feel like that's a lot of time for someone to lose feelings.

Now, have those feelings been lost? No. But I was also unconscious for the whole seventy years so I think I get a pass there.

And who am I kidding, your not going to read this. And I would like to think that no one else will either, so

*Knock knock knock*

I heard several knocks on my door, stopping me from my writing.

"Oliv? Can I come in?" Steve's voice came from the other side of the door.

"Um, yeah," I said, stashing the letter away and bringing out a file I was supposed to be looking at for work. "Yeah, come on in."

The door opened then as Steve's head popped through the door.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"I'm fine. Just looking over a few things." I motioned toward the papers on my desk.

"Oliv, it's okay if you were. I think it might actually be healthy for you to continue it." He sat on my bed, facing me.

"Sure... but I wasn't writing to a dead man." I gave a sarcastic smile.

Otherwise Known As... | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now