Chapter (14) Fourteen ~ ...your Oliv, the girl who said yes

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Steve and Bucky had been gone a lot recently. They've been going from place to place taking down Hydra bases. Them doing this has not only been good for the country and the world, but if I'm being honest, it's been great for work and business.

Steve's team, the Howling Commandos, have been using, losing, and breaking a lot of weapons, which has made my men and I busier than ever to try and create new and fixed old weapons in time for their next mission.

I've gone with Peggy and Colonel Phillips to see the team's showing of them in action, and the look on Peggy's face when it was revealed that Steve Rogers has a picture of her in his compass... I wish I had a camera with me so I could have shown Steve.

The boys and I had been sending letters back and forth while they'd been away. The letters between Steve and I were mostly the usual questions like how everyone's doing, with the repeated question on how Peggy is from him.

I always say she misses him, even though she may not admit it.

Bucky and I's letters are a bit different. Sure they have the normal how are you, but they always seem to hold something...more... in the letters.


I had just gotten back to my room from having breakfast with Howard, during which we were trying to figure out how to get the power source from Hydra's weapons into ours, when I noticed my mail had come.

Including a letter from Bucky.

I quickly grabbed it from the table, ripping it open while rushing to sit on my bed.

Dear Oliv,

Hey, doll. How have you been doing lately? Have Howard and the Colonel been keeping you on your toes? Would hate to come back to see you and you're all out of those amazing creative juices I know you have.

Things have been pretty hectic over here. Been getting shot at a lot, that's for sure. In a few days, the boys and I are going to be hijacking a Hydra train with one of their lead scientists, so hopefully I'll see you in the next few days if all goes well.

When we get back, we're going to be taking a few days to regroup and figure out our next plan of attack. When that happens, how would you feel about going on a date with me? It's been getting a bit old writing back and forth and not getting to actually hear or see you. We may not have known each other for long, but I do know one thing, and it's that there is something about you that makes me want to keep you around for a long while.

Let's just hope I don't screw things up on the date and make you hate me. That would be a disaster.

I laughed at that part, my heart feeling like it was going to jump out of my chest at the idea of Bucky taking me out on a date.

Let me know what your answer is, so I can start planning and we can leave for it as soon as I get back. I love the guys here with me, but I think I need some time away from them for a bit and spend time with my girl.

That is, if you'll have me.

Let me know as soon as you get this, so that I hopefully get you're answer after this upcoming mission.


Sargent James Buchanan Barnes of the 107th
(Otherwise known as your Jamie.)

I obviously had to respond immediately.

Dear Jamie,

Things are going well here. You boys are giving me and my men things to do, as I think you're destroying more weapons than we're making. Howard thinks he has an idea on how to incorporate Hydra's tech with our own, so if you're lucky you may be able to play with some new toys when you get back.

In terms of your letters question of if I would go on a date with you...

Yes. Yes, I would love to.

I can't wait for you to get back. Where do you think you would take us? We're not in America, so I'm still a bit unfamiliar with the area. I'll be counting on you to plan something amazing, but I have a feeling that no matter what I will love whatever we do.

This letter is going to have to stay short since nothing exciting has been happening on our end. I just hope that you come back to me safely, Jamie. I think I'll have to kill you if something bad happens to you out there before our date.

Always Yours,

Olivia E. Stark
(Otherwise known as your Oliv, the girl who said yes.)

I signed the letter, put it in a fresh envelope, and ran to put it with the outgoing mail.

Bucky's POV ~

Two Days Later, Day of Mission

She said yes.

Otherwise Known As... | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now