Chapter (32) Thirty-Two ~ ...the girl who had some work to do

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It feels like we've been sitting here for hours, but it's probably only been twenty minutes. Alex and Bruce have been getting me to control my breathing, trying to get my powers to come out without getting angry before they resort to that. So far, nothing has happened.

"Alright, it might be time to try my way." Bruce sighed.

"Yeah..." Alex agreed, before her eyes lit up and her eyebrows raised a bit, an idea obviously coming to her. "Actually, I want to try one more thing. Olivia, I want you to close your eyes again. Can one of you come over here? I want to try something." I heard her ask the other three as I closed my eyes. They had been sitting by the wall looking board out of their minds about five minutes after we started.

"Yeah, sure." I heard Steve say, his heavy footsteps letting me know he was walking over.

"Yep, just sit right here. Olivia, keep your eyes closed until I say otherwise. Now, Steve is sitting in front of you. I want you to concentrate. Try and feel what's coursing through his veins. I know you can do this."

I cocked my head to the side a bit in confusion, but nonetheless did as she said. I tried my best to imagine Steve sitting in front of me, trying to imagine the blood flowing through his veins. It took a moment, but right when I was about to give up, I heard it.

I heard his heart. The blood pumping through his body.

"Ew, that is so disturbing." I cringed, my eyes thankfully staying closed.

"I'm sure it is but you need to stay focused. I need to concentrate on his hand, his left hand. Can you do that for me?" Alex rushed out, trying to keep me on task.

"Yeah, yeah I think so." I nodded.

"Good. Now, I need you to trust me when I say this, but Steve will be perfectly fine." I was just about to ask what she meant when Alex continued. "I need you to control the blood flow to his left hand."

"Won't that hurt him? I won't hurt my friend." I shook my head.

"It might hurt, but you won't be doing it for long, so he won't be in pain for long."

"I'll be okay, Oliv. Just do what you gotta do." I heard Steve say, his voice a bit unsteady making me nervous.

"Come on, Agent. You can do this." Alex encouraged me. "Slow the blood flow in his hand. Don't make it stop, just slow it down."

I focused as much as I could on Steve's hand. I paid attention to the way his blood moved, and how fast it was flowing through his veins.

My left hand twitched, and I heard a sharp inhale from Steve.

"Good, Olivia keep going." Alex encouraged.

My eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and my fingers seemed to twitch, a small gasp coming from Steve this time. Trying to continue focusing, I slowly opened my eyes, trying to see what I was doing to my friend. When I opened them, I saw Steve and Alex in front of me, both looking towards his hand that seemed to be stuck in place.

"What's happening right now?" I asked as I re-shut my eyes, hoping no one noticed.

"His hand is cooling down."

"I- I can't feel my hand," Steve said after Alex. "It's all numb."

I was about to stop before Alex yelled at me. "Don't you dare stop, Olivia. You are doing so good if you stop now we won't know what you're capable of."

I took a breath before nodding my head in understanding.

"Good, now I need you to do something. I need you to try and lift Steve's hand."

"What?" I asked, confused as to what she meant.

"Pull the blood upwards. Doing so should hopefully also lift his hand up."

"That's gross." I heard Tony mumble before I heard him groan in pain. Natasha must have hit him.

I tried my best to stay focused as I brought the blood up as Alex instructed. As I did, I slowly opened my eyes, watching as Steve's face scrunched up. I looked down at his hand as I attempted to bring his blood up, but nothing happened. I tried again, but nothing.

"I can't do it." I groaned, throwing my hand down on my lap.

"It's alright. I never really expected you to actually be able to do it. I was just being hopeful." She shrugged. "We can stop for today."

Steve let out a small sigh of relief, his body slowly disappearing into a cloud of smoke.

"What the..?" I stared at the now empty space.

"Oh, sorry I probably should have mentioned. That was just a clone. Steve was over with the others the whole time. I just made it so you couldn't see him whenever you looked over when you thought no one was looking." The redhead in front of me stood, holding her hand out to help me up.

"Yeah, I've been over here the whole time." The real Steve said, getting off the floor alongside Natasha and Tony.

"So, I wasn't hurting you?"

"No, I was over here, perfectly fine the whole time." He smiled at me.

"Oh, thank god." I gave a sigh of relief as I got up. "I really didn't like hurting you."

"Well, that's good." He chuckled. "Come on, let's get you something to eat, and then you can shower. Alex, why don't you go check on the gods? Make sure they haven't gotten into any trouble."

"Sure, though I'm sure Loki's just stabbed Thor a few times now. Nothing serious." Alex shrugged, going to leave the room.

"I feel like she's been spending way too much time with those two," Tony mumbled as he and Natasha left after her.

Steve and I chuckled as we watched them leave, the man putting his arm around my shoulders as I put mine around his waist.

"How do you think Bucky would have felt? With me having these weird powers?"

"You know how that dork was. He would have freaked out." He snorted a bit. "But he would have been here to help you every step of the way."

I smiled up at my best friend, so glad I still had him in my life.

"Now, come on. I don't know how but all that work somehow made you stink." He scrunched his nose.

"Hey!" I yelled with a smile, elbowing him in the ribs.

Yeah, super glad. 

Otherwise Known As... | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now