Chapter (41) Fourty One ~ ...the girl who got ready for another fight

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"You saw him too, right?" I panted, looking at Steve.

Before he was able to answer, sirens sounded all around us, different from the ringing in my ears, armored SHIELD vehicles surrounding us all.

"Drop the shield, Cap! Get on your knees! Make sure she gets the collar!" Romlow, pointed at me, making his way to Steve.

I looked around me with panicked eyes, my breathing picking up as a metal collar was placed on me, little nettles seeming to poke into my skin.

"Hey, wait wait wait, what are you doing to her?" Steve yelled as I was shoved to my knees, my raised hands being forcibly lowered and shoved into thick cuffs.

"What is that? What did you put on her?" Nat's weak voice yelled.

"She needs to be contained. She's dangerous. A freak. Gotta make sure she can't hurt anyone." Rumlow taunted, getting Steve on his knees.

I was quickly grabbed and forced to stand, my wrists and throat hurting from the pressure on them. All of us were then shoved into the back of one of the vehicles, Sam and Natasha on the left with Steve and I on the right. There were two armed guards facing us, sitting beside Sam and me.

"It was him," Steve mumbled, getting all of our attention. "He looked right at me like he didn't even know me."

"How's that even possible? It was like, 70 years ago." Sam asked.

"Zola. Bucky's whole unit was captured in '43. Zola experimented on him. Whatever he did helped Bucky survive the fall. They must have found him and..." I cringed at what Steve was implying, hating how real that possibility was.

"None of that's your fault, Steve." Natasha weakly mumbled, her head dropping to the side.

"Even when I had nothing, I had Bucky." I moved my knee to touch Steves, a silent show of support as I couldn't use my hands.

"Alex said that Hydra would brainwash her and the Wint-Bucky. That's why he looked at us like we were nothing. Cause to him, right now, we are. We don't have any meaning to him besides being targets."

Everyone in the truck went silent, seeming to absorb my words. I saw Sam look over at Nat, noticing the blood slowly pouring down the shoulder of her jacket.

"We need to get a doctor here. If we don't put pressure on that wound, she's gonna bleed out here in the truck." Sam quickly shut up as the guard beside him turned on their long taser, threatening him with it.

After a moment, the guard flipped the weapon, quickly turning it back on and stabbing the other guard beside me with it, then kicked him in the face, knocking the guard out cold laying between our feet.

"Ah. That thing was squeezing my brain." We all watched as Maria Hill took off the helmet, having a severe case of helmet hair. "Who's this guy?" She asked, looking at me.

I glanced over at Sam, who had a look of amusement, confusion, and grossly lust on his face.

"Friend of ours." I shrugged. "You sure took your sweet time, Hill," I smirked.

"Yeah well, it took me a minute to blend in with the other soldiers."

"Is that cause they're all ugly shitheads while you're a brilliant, gorgeous, badass agent?" I innocently smiled, making Hill roll her eyes.

"Really, Oliv?" Steve glared at me.

"What?! You can't tell me I'm wrong!"


It didn't take long for us to escape the trucks, and Maria thankfully had the keys for our cuffs and the collar I was wearing. A van was waiting not far away, it quickly taking us to the safe place.

Otherwise Known As... | Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now