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Y/n's POV

"You like-!?-" I started but he slapped his hand over my mouth to shut me up.

"Yes," Matt whispered, "I like Max, okay? We're both sworn to secrecy now. I promise not to tell Draco if you promise not to tell Max, alright?"

"Okay, I promise. I trust you if you trust me." 

"Good, okay shut up their coming over," We both tried looking as casual as possible. I can't believe it! Matt likes her back! Should I tell him that she likes him? No, she wouldn't like that. Uhg, this is hard!

"Hey, guys," Max said and sat down, she pulled a hair tie off her wrist and tied her red hair into a ponytail, keeping it from her face.

"Hey," We said in unison

"Where were you earlier? We couldn't find you." Draco said as he sat across from us next to Max.

"I was with Cedric in the library, studying and doing homework." He nodded

"How'd you guys like the new dada professor?" Matt asked the lot of us.

"Uhm, he was good I guess, he taught us all the Unforgivable Curses, threw a piece of chalk at my head, killed a huge spider, traumatized Neville, you know, nothing out of the ordinary." I informed him sarcastically

"What? He threw chalk at you?"

"Well, he threw it at Seamus, but he ducked out of the way and it hit me in the forehead,"

"Oh wow, he taught us the Unforgivable Curses, too, it was cool seeing how powerful they are."

"Yeah, it was," Max agreed, Mattheo's eyes lit up when she agreed with him and the two seemed to look into each others eyes for a long moment.

We all talked about Professor Moody and guessed what he'll teach us next, I glanced over at the Professors table and saw Moody taking a swig out of his flask again, why can't he just drink out of a cup like a normal person?

I looked up and saw my owl, Newt, flying toward our table. He was carrying a letter and a package, I bet they're from Lupin. He flies over and lands in front of me. 

"Hey buddy, thank you," I stroked his head with my finger as he drank some pumpkin juice out of my cup. I took the letter and package off his leg and he nipped my finger gently before heading up to the owlery to get some sleep.

"Who's it from?" Max asked.

"Lupin," I told them as I opened up the letter and read it in my head.

Dear Y/n,
I'm glad you're doing okay, and thank you for telling me. I'm doing good here, I've been sent on another mission to find still-loyal-Death-Eaters who may be up to no good. I've had no luck, all of them have claimed to have been under the Imperious curse, and there is no way of proving that they're lying. But we're making progress. 

I think it's great that they brought back the Tri-Wizard Tournament, I'm excited to hear more about it. This tournament is very dangerous, though, so you may want to talk your brother out of entering. I'm proud of you for finally trying out for Quidditch, I'm sure you'll do great and make the team.

I want you to tell me how the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor is. I've heard great things about Alastor, but rumor has it he's gone a little crazy since he retired. 

The package is a book to understand History Of Magic better, I hope this helps you in that class this year. Good luck at tryouts, I hope you make the team. Please be sure to tell me if anything is wrong, and take your medication daily. 

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