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Trigger Warning: Eating disorder

Y/n's POV

We all got to the hospital wing where Madam Pomfrey was curious as to what happened, I said that Kayden got chocked by a plant in Herbology and Draco ran into a wall. She didn't believe me but helped them anyways.

There were a couple others in there as well, including a Ravenclaw student who appeared to have bleeding bite marks on his neck, probably a Care of Magical Creatures lesson gone wrong, and a Gryffindor with a split lip, bloody nose and bruised eye, I was amused to see it was Colin Creevey, the one who took a picture of Cedric and I kissing.

I stayed up there as Madam Pomfrey cleaned up Draco an gave him a potion for the bruising. With Kayden however it wasn't so simple, she found some broken stuff inside his throat and he'll be mute for a while, but she was able to fix the broken stuff and now he just needs to heal naturally.

Madame Pomfrey had to tend to the bite on the Ravenclaw boy so she had a hospital wing volunteer come and help fix Kayden's throat; it was pretty messed up. The boy who she had help had dark brown curly hair, a very chiseled jawline, jade green eyes that reminded me of the promise of springtime and a Slytherin robe.

I've never seen him around Hogwarts before, you would think I would have because he's a Slytherin student as am I but I would know if I've seen him before, he's bloody gorgeous.

We made eye contact as he came out of madam Pomfrey's office, he flashed a smile and slightly tripped over a stool as he walked. I felt my cheeks go warm a little bit and smiled back, I watched as he went over to Pansy and Kayden and Pansy explained (lied about) what happened.

"Ahem," Draco poorly faked clearing his throat making me look up from my lap.

"Huh?" I asked stupidly,

"When you're done gazing at Black could you put that ice pack on my eye?"

"What? I wasn't gazing at- Black? Is that his surname?"

"Yeah, Leonidas Black, son of Regulus Black, he's new, we all watched him get sorted but you weren't at dinner that day," 

I shrugged,

"So Regulus Black has a son?" I whispered,

"Yeah, apparently,"

"You guys are related." I stated,

"Oh...Oh I guess we are, that's weird. What are we then? Cousins?"

"Uhm...hold on...Okay if Max is your first cousin because Bellatrix and your mother are sisters, and Regulus and Sirius are your mothers first cousins, Regulus's son would be...yeah, your second cousin you never knew about." I figured out,

"I would have never been able to figure that out."

"Well you should like...get to know him," I snuck another look at Leonidas and I saw that he was already looking at me, I blushed a little bit.

"Stop that," he whined,

"Stop what?" I laughed,

"Stop falling for my cousin."

"I am not. I'm just curious about him, aren't you? I mean...he's your cousin and you've never met him, don't you want to get to know him?"

"I mean...a little bit. I want to know his backstory...but I don't want him taking you."

"Taking me? Why would that happen?"

"He's the kind of guy that could turn the boyfriend to the ex a week." he mumbled.

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