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(Draco fan art has officially gotten the best of me, I'm gonna have to shift again tonight, but like look at this picture fdjkhgdkjnvbtqiybvticeilunv)

Y/n's POV

After the dark lord got into my head again I became very curious. When Bellatrix killed Mattheo the first time we were in some kind of basement, but this time we were just in Malfoy Manor. I thought hard, maybe he just wants me scared, he wants me to get caught off guard, but I wont let him.

While we're at the leaving feast my mind keeps switching from whatever conversation we're having to seeing Mattheo about to get murdered right in front of me. Who was the person who jumped in the way of the curse? Who saved him?

"Y/n, Y/n, are you there?" I got snapped out of my thoughts by Max,

"Yeah, sorry, just...thinking," I said and shook the thought out of my head.

"I'm so glad that our OWLs are over, next year is gonna be so much better," Pansy said, everyone agreed to this.

"You guys are lucky, next year I have to take my NEWTs, I hear those are worse," Mattheo said,

"Damn, that sucks," I said, he scowled at me and I laughed,

The rest of the feast was good, Dumbledore is our headmaster again, good, Umbridge was getting every one of my nerves. It's over now and we're all leaving. I'm sad that I wont be able to see Draco or Max or Pansy for a whole month this summer, but I'm also very excited to spend the summer with my brothers and real father.


"I'm just...I'm really gonna miss you," Draco and I are in my dorm talking, he's sad that we wont be able to see each other for a month starting tomorrow.

"I'll miss you too, but it's only a month, when I get back to England you'll be the first person I hang out with," I comforted him as best as I could,

"A month without you will feel like a year," he dramatically whined and fell back onto my bed.

"You're so dramatic," I laughed, he pouted his lip.

"Am not." I kneeled on my bed and leaned down to kiss him,

"I'm gonna miss you too,"

"I know, I'm irresistible,"

"I wouldn't go that far," he pulled me down so that I was laying next to him,

"I would," he kissed me and put an arm over my waist, I put mine over his and we laid holding each other for a while. 

"What do you think is wrong with me?" I asked out of nowhere, 

"What? There's nothi-"

"I mean with...him getting into my head, why is he doing it? What does he need me for?"

"I wish I knew, we'll find out though, and while you're away if it happens again, tell me, we should keep track of when it happens and what happens,"

"Yeah, that's probably smart. You know what weird though?"


"The two times that it happened...Mattheo died, but he died in different ways each time. both times Bellatrix killed him but it was in different places, but the second time it happened, right before she hit him with the curse...somebody jumped in the way, who do you think it was?"

"It could be anyone, it could be me, Kayden, Max, his father, literally anybody,"

"Do you think he's showing me the future?"

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