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Draco's POV

For several days something's been off with Y/n, more than usual. Every time I see her she seems almost...scared, or nervous about something, always stuttering and acting alarmed when I ask a question. 

I don't know why she bothers hiding it, because I already know what happened. It's so obvious.

Y/n's POV

"But I don't know whether I should tell him or not. I mean...it's complicated. Pansy is my best friend, and I knew that she sort of had a crush on me a few years ago, those feelings were never mutual, but that night...I don't know. It was an odd feeling." I vent to Newt in his office, I've told him what happened because if I didn't tell someone then I'd go absolutely insane.

Newt nods, listening intently.

"Alright, well, put yourself in Draco's shoes. Theoretically, if he were to have done that with guy, an accident like what happened with you and Pansy, would you be upset?"

"Well -er- not really upset, to be honest. I mean if it became like whole affair then I would be pretty upset, but if it were only once then...I don't think I'd mind."

"And do you think Draco would mind?"

"It's hard to say," I mumble, "I don't think he'd be that upset, but I messed up bad."

"You guys have worked through things much larger than this, I'm sure you will find out a way to figure it out."

"Alright...thank you." I mumble, feeling terrified for the moment I'll eventually have to tell Draco. "What about Pansy and I? We haven't spoken a word to each other since it happened...is it always gonna be awkward now?"

"You two will figure it out as well. Just simply talk it over, express that it was only an accident, and put it behind you."

I nod my head, regretting that night more than I ever have.


"And you won against your mother?" Max goggles at me, shocked after I tell her about winning the duel between my mother and I.

"Yeah...it was like all the hatred and anger I had against her built up inside me just...spilt out and in a rush of adrenaline, I won."

"That's what it was like the night I dueled my mother." She whispers, 

"How are you?" I ask her, genuinely concerned, "We haven't seriously talked in a while,"

"I'm doing better." She's still talking slightly above a whisper. "It was...months ago that it happened, I try not to think about it a lot, about him a lot. It's so hard looking through photos and everything, listening to songs that were ours...I can't do it all just yet. I just need to shield myself from all reminders of him until things start to get better."

"I know how you feel. It's hard for me to think about him too ,"

"I loved him so much," her voice is now a croak, "I can't see myself with anyone other than him. I know he would want me to move on...but I don't want to move on."

"Hey, come here," I wrap my arms around her and hug her tightly, rubbing her back up and down. "I'm sorry I brought it up."

"No, it's okay...it's probably good to talk about it." 

"It is. And if you ever need to I'm here,"

She nods into my shoulder and continues to cling to me as I hug her tightly.


"Hey, Kayd, how you doing?" I enter Kayden's dorm to see it's all dark, but through the darkness I spot a nearly shapeless lump under the covers in his bed. He wasn't in classes today so I came up here to check on him.

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