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Y/n's POV

I knew exactly who it had been who took Draco's diary, the same girl who read his letters and told him to break up with me and snog Hermione all so she could have something to write about, Dalila Allen. 

As we ran through the halls I pulled Potter's map out of my book bag and looked for Dalila, I scanned the parchment for her name and finally found it.

"She's in the Great hall," I said,

"Who is?" Draco asked me,

"The girl that started that paper and is causing tons of drama with everyone, the same one that tried to get you to break up with me, remember?"

"Oh, her? I thought she was leaving us alone now?"

"No, she'll do anything for something to write about, she probably thinks that I forgot about everything already,"

"Well, lets go get it back then," we headed to the Great Hall and I looked around for Dalila. "She's over there," Draco whispered,

"I'm gonna steal her bag, it's must be in there,"

"What if she sees you?"

"Then I'll drag the bitch away from the table and take her along with the bag," he laughed,

"Maybe you should just try not to get caught," I nodded and went over to the Hufflepuff table, trying to act like belonged there, but I don't exactly give off Hufflepuff. I snook up behind Dalila, her bag was on the floor, I picked it up and was about to walk away but she turned around and saw me.

"What the hell are you doing?" She asked me, she didn't yell it but she said it pretty loudly.

"Damn it, come with me," I grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from the table, taking her outside the Great Hall.

"What are you doing with my bag?" she asked me, her voice annoyed the fuck out of me. I ignored her and rummaged through her bag, finding the green diary that belongs to Draco.

"This yours?" I asked her, knowing the answer already. She looked scared again and shook her head. "Didn't think so. Why do you have it then? And save us both time and don't lie, if anybody can detect a lie, it's me."

"I took it from Draco because I needed something to write about, I thought I could get some gossip from there, I haven't even looked in it yet, I only took it about 2 hours ago while he was sleeping." I could tell that she wasn't lying.

"So, you snook into my boyfriends dorm while he was asleep, and you took his private journal because you need something to write about?"

"Yes, I'm sorry,"

"Oh, I have something for you," I said, reaching into the pocket of my robe,

"What do you-?" My fist connected with her jaw and she cried out in pain, falling to the floor clutching her face.

"How about you write about that? I told you to leave us all alone, next time, it will be much worse." she whimpered there, still holding her now bruising face, and nodded.

I threw her bag to the ground next to her and walked back to Draco with his diary, he didn't see any of that because he just walked out of the Great Hall.

"Handled." I said simply and handed him the notebook.

"How'd you do that so quickly?" he asked me, I shrugged.

"She didn't read it, we got to her in time."

"Thank you so much," he looked over and saw Dalila on the floor, whimpering and holding her face. His eyes went wide, "Did you-?"

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