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Y/n's POV

I've never really thought about how much I loved the home I grew up in until it was violently, and relentlessly destroyed. Taken from me forever.

I'm now realizing the importance of the home you grew up in, that building was the place where I was born, the place where I made memories with my family, and it's all burnt to the ground now.

And I want revenge.

I rubbed my tired eyes and continued to stare at my alibi board that I've been working on since 11 pm. There were pictures of every known member of the order of the phoenix, who I learned with some research convinced the ministry to let them do the home search where they recklessly burnt through a wall leading to my fathers room with his dark arts stuff, this one act lead to the destruction of our home, destroying everything, including the evidence those imbecile's were looking for.

Each of the members claim to have not meant this kind of destruction, that their intentions were pure. But I don't believe it for a second. All those idiots knew what they were doing, they would do anything to win this war and they think burning down the ancient manor of a pureblood family, who they most likely envy, is gonna help them.

No, it wont help them.

It only made me determined to kill the two targets I was assigned to, Arthur Weasley will be next, right after his son.

I grabbed a red marker and drew a circle around Arthur Weasley's face. 

Remus Lupin, ex-professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, who I haven't written to all year, nor has he, I've been having trouble hating him as much as the others, it must be because of everything he has done for me, I'll leave him for now.

I glanced over at my book shelf, the deep black jar of powder catching my eye, what I would give to feed a spoonful of that to every member of the Order, or maybe mix some into their tea, bake them cupcakes with a tablespoon of it mixed into the icing. Or even just forget the midnight powder and have some fun with the torture curse, watching them cower in pain in front of me...

I snapped myself out of my sadistic thoughts, not wanting to go down that road.

My eyes glazed over to my alarm clock. 3 am. Why am I still awake? Because I'm restless, that's why, I can't stop thinking, worrying...plotting.

I shut my eyes, almost letting the tiredness take over me.

But I didn't. I opened them again, took a drink of water, and continued planning out everything; the tasks and how I'll deal with the home destruction situation.


I heard a knock at my door causing me to jolt up from the half sleeping pose I was in sitting at my desk. There was a piece of parchment stuck to my face that I peeled off. I yawned as I ran a hand through my hair.

The person knocked again.

"Who is it?" I asked tiredly, not wanting to let just anyone into my dorm right now.

"It's Leo, are you awake?" The person answered in a French accent. "Well, obviously you're awake, can I come in?"

"Fuck," I whispered, "Hold on a sec." I called out. I got up quickly and began to pick up all the scattered papers with the notes that I didn't want Leo seeing. I threw them all in a desk drawer and made it look like nothing was ever there.

I fixed my hair a bit as I went over to my door and opened it for Leo.

When I opened it I met his jade eyes, he was fully ready, wearing his Slytherin robe and his curly hair was tamed as usual.

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