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Y/n's POV

After spending the night with Draco last night I realized how much I've missed and needed him this past month. It's weird I never noticed at all, but I guess I've just been so busy studying that I never had time to notice.

I've been planning my time better, getting on a better schedule so that I'm not studying every hour of every day. I've made time for my friends and brothers and most importantly, Draco. I've tried to stop skipping meals but that's still a work in progress, the point is that I'm trying now, and I'm kind of...proud of myself.

It feels nice to not be studying 24/7 like I used to but it's also making me feel a little guilty, like I should be studying instead of taking a break, or talking with my friends, or doing anything that doesn't involve shoving my nose into textbook and reading and taking notes until I literally fall asleep. 

But even though I'm making time for Draco and my friends now I still study just as much as used to. Every night, all night, I study, I know it isn't healthy to drink 3 energy drinks a night but it's the only thing that works. If I'm not studying then I feel really guilty, and when I get really guilty I do bad things to myself.

 So I secretly study every night and I have to keep ordering more and more energy drinks and coffee and honestly I don't feel tired anymore, just jittery and kinda numb. Who needs sleep anyway? 

Right now I'm sitting on my bed studying, I feel sunlight on my face and look out the window, another night gone, another day ahead of me. I looked at my phone and saw that I should start getting ready for classes.

I closed my books and gathered my parchment then I changed out of my school clothes from yesterday and into new ones. I took a look at myself in the mirror and I look super tired. I sighed before covering my face in makeup and making it look like I slept last night. I brushed out my hair and put it up in a messy pony tail.

Before leaving my dorm I grabbed a high caffeinated energy drink that Muggles use for extreme sports and stuff. I left my dorm and saw Draco waiting for me right there.

"Oh, hey, Draco, good morning," I said, and despite my feeling of nothingness that I get after not not sleeping, I smiled,

"Good morning," he glanced down at my lips before kissing me. We began to walk together, we met up with the rest of our friends.

At breakfast I felt like I should be studying, but I couldn't. I felt so awake but tired at the same time, I played with my rings and twisted my hands and bit at my lips, I've been like this for a while. I've been running on energy drinks for about a week, I wish I was kidding, all this caffeine probably isn't good for me but whatever, at least I'm getting as much studying done as possible.

Our OWLs aren't for another month still but if I just keep going until then, then I'll hopefully have perfect scores on all the subjects.

Right now we're in History of Magic, our first class, I'm trying my hardest to pay attention and stay focused, my hands are shaking a bit causing my handwriting to be not as neat as usual. It's from all the energy drinks. There has to be a healthy way to get energy, well, I guess sleep would be healthy but I need to study somehow.

Draco, who is sitting next to me, noticed my hands shaking.

"Are you okay?" He asked me quietly,

"Yeah, why?" I said, staring at my paper, still writing,

"Darling, you're shaking,"

"I'm just...cold," I lied, he saw right through the lie too because it's always warm in Binns' classroom. I felt him looking at me and I looked up from my note-filled paper and into his eyes that told me he knew I was lying.

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