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Y/n's POV

The past few weeks mostly all I've been able to think about is how Harry, Ron and Hermione thought we were death eaters. Like what the fuck? When I told Matt, Max and Draco about this and they were all really confused and thought that was ridiculous. It is.

It's now nearing the end of November and it's getting really cold. Umbridge is literally trying to take over Hogwarts, it's so annoying. She's giving kids detentions for basically no reason, they were 2 minutes late to class, or they whispered to somebody in class, or they accidentally didn't raise their hand, she's really unreasonable.

I also haven't been able to forget about what Hermione said about Cedric. I don't want to admit to myself that she was right, but she might be. I really miss Cedric. And Maybe if he were still alive then I wouldn't be acting the way I have, or maybe Hermione was just trying to get into my head. Yeah. That's what it is.

Professor Umbridge was made Hogwarts High Inquisitor. Basically she was appointed here by the Minister of Magic and she can kick out any of the professors if she wants to. She been putting up these educational decree things each of them with a different rule on it. She made it an actual rule that boys and girls can't be within 8 inches of each other, of course we've all learned to work our ways around that one.

Now it's not just little kids who she's using to spy on people, some of the older Slytherins are in this group called the Inquisitorial Squad too. I don't want to though, I want nothing to do with this bitch. My father thinks it's great what Umbridge is doing, he says that Hogwarts is probably better with her, but I think that Umbridge is taking away everything that made Hogwarts my home.

Defense Against the Dark Arts used to be my favorite class, now I dread it, we aren't allowed on the trails around campus anymore because they're "unsafe" even though they have charms around them for safety, Draco and I can't touch, hug, hold hands, kiss or anything almost everywhere, there's always little kids who are waiting to tell on us everywhere, it's pretty easy to sneak into each others dorms though, and a few times I've obliviated a kids memory of what they saw, so it isn't too bad.

I don't know if it's just my imagination but some of the students from the other houses seem up to something. They're sneaking around, whispering, and I've heard some people in the halls talking about "The D.A" whatever that is, and Umbridge is having her Inquisitorial Squad spy on them and try to see what they're up to. I'm honestly also curious what they're up too.

Right now defense against the dark arts just ended, I grabbed my bag and Draco, Max and I were gonna go when Umbridge held the three of us back. Only the three of us though, not the whole class.

"Yes?" I asked, "Professor." I added quickly when I saw the look on her face,

"I have chosen the three of you to be apart of the Inquisitorial Squad, your parents owled me and said that they would like you to be in it, I think that is a great idea, we could always use more members," she said using her fake sweet voice, "So here are you badges, you shall wear them on your uniforms every day so that people know that you guys apart of this, the next meeting is tomorrow after classes." 

I got the feeling that this is something we can't say no too. The three of us exchanged glances, is this a joke? 

"O-okay," Draco said, Umbridge pinned the badges on each of our robes,

"Wonderful, you may leave now, and I am expecting you guys to be at the meeting tomorrow, if not, then there will be severe consequences,"

"Yes professor," we all said then left quickly.

"What the hell?" I said once we were out of ear shot,

"Do we not have a choice?" Max asked,

"Didn't seem like it," Draco said,

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