A/N: Another Branch Off

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This...has actually been a story a long time in the making.

I joined Wattpad back in February 2020 (around that sort of time) and for the first 7 months or so, I just read with no intention to write any stories. However as time went on and I read more and more, I of course began to get the feeling to write.

Even before writing stories with Little Witch Academia, I did nearly start a Splatoon story but backed out because I wasn't confident enough to start writing.

I know that this story could be very hit and miss, but I suppose that comes with every story to be honest. Regardless, I am going to slot this in as the third story I'll be jumping to every so often.

So here we are, A Splatoon x Reader story. I never had the pleasure of playing the first game on the Wii U, however have played Splatoon 2 religiously and am now eagerly awaiting the release of Splatoon 3 on September 9th.

This story has mainly been inspired by the works of some incredible authors. They are:


That's all really for now. This is another branch off from LWA, as really it is getting to a point where I have branched out a little and now I sort of want to experiment more.

I really hope you'll enjoy this one.


Alone In A Brand New World (Splatoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now