Chapter 6: Kettles and Training

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You were sat at the table quietly munching on some leftover food from dinner. It was the middle of the night and you had quite a bit that was on your mind. Mainly to do with the Squidbeak Splatoon and the fact that you were now a member.

"Have I really made the right choice? I've only been out of my cryosleep for a few days and I'm already entangling myself in problems..." You had to keep convincing yourself that you had made the right choice and that these people needed your help.

This was their world now, and you had to make sure that they would be able to continue living in safety.

"Can you not sleep either?" A voice made you jump and nearly knock over your plate of food. Thankfully though, you managed to catch it before that happened. "Oh I am sorry. I didn't mean to startle you Y/N." Luckily the voice was a familiar one.

"It's fine Marina...and yeah I can't sleep. There's a lot on my mind right now. Plus I was a little hungry." You said before taking another bite from your food and placing the plate back down on the table.

"Ah yeah. I understand. Would you like me to get you anything? A drink? More food?" She sat down in the seat opposite you.

"Uhhh no thanks. Kind of you to offer, but I'm all good for now." You smile just as you finished your food and carried your plate over to be washed.

"You're welcome." Her grin proving to be contagious, making you smile even wider.

"Shouldn't you get to sleep? You and Pearl have work, no?" You ask as you retook your seat at the table.

"We do, but it's just one of those I overstressed myself....worrying about you and all...." A silent 'oh' left your mouth as you looked down at the ground.

"Again....I'm sorry....I just...." You didn't want to tell her about what you had been doing. Surely Marie wouldn't want even more people knowing about the Squidbeak Splatoons existence.

Marina's chair scraped across the floor and you heard her footsteps coming alongside you. Then, you felt her arms wrap around you and her head on your shoulder. "Like I long as your safe, that's all that matters. You don't need to keep apologising."

You hugged her back. "I do. I feel so bad making you so stressed out. Is there...any way I can make it up to you?" She looked up at you, and you could tell immediately that she was thinking of something.

"I know! and you could go out sometime? Y'know, a way of getting to know each other a little better!" She suggested.

"Sure. I don't have any money though so how will I pay?" You tilted your head as she giggled.

"I'll pay for you silly!" She kept on giggling.

"Yeah but then that's not me making it up to you is it? To do that, I'd have to pay!" You were silenced when she placed one of her fingers on your lips.

"Oh shush. Being there with you is enough!" She removed her finger and bopped your nose.

"If you say so...." You yawned and felt Marina let go of you and stood up. "I think I'm gonna head to bed now...perhaps I'll be able to sleep now."

"Same here...sleep well Y/N." She flashed you another smile before leaving for her bedroom. Once she was out of earshot, she squealed happily and clasped her hands together. "Oh my! I can't wait to show him more of the city! It'll be so much fun!!!".


The next morning came and you did manage to get at least some rest after being up half the night.

It seemed as if the day was going to go more or less the same as the previous one. However Marina was even more reluctant to leave you on your own this time.

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