Chapter 3: Looking Fresh!

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Despite having been asleep for 12,000 years and having a nap earlier in the day, you still slept like a baby once you were settled down in your new room. Pearl had really gone out of her way to make you feel comfortable, with Marina's help of course.

All they did was to clear out and set up one of the many spare rooms in Pearl's huge mansion as you were busy doing the dishes. Once everything was done, you practically went to bed straight away. The amount of walking you had done and the adapting to your new world really took its toll on you.

As you opened your eyes the following morning, the first thing that happened was the smell of cooking hit your nostrils which made you sit up.

"Mmmm....someone's cooking breakfast...." You yawned and rubber your eyes as you swung your legs out of your bed and stood up. Having a quick stretch to help wake up a little, you slowly made your way out of the room and followed the smell.

You could also hear singing coming from the kitchen as well. You could tell right away that it was Marina. From the sound of it, she was very happy this morning.

Taking your seat at the table, she didn't realise you were there so you just listened to her singing. Eventually when she had finished, she turned around with a plate stacked high with pancakes. A smile took its place on her face when she saw you.

"Good morning Y/N! How did you sleep last night?" She asked as she walked over to the table and placed the plate down in the middle of it.

"Really well actually! Thanks for asking. By the way, I loved hearing you sing! Even if I didn't understand any of the words!" You smiled at her as a faint blush formed on her cheeks.

"R-Really? That's so sweet of you to say! Thanks Y/N!" She took a seat at the table and began to stack some of the pancakes onto her plate. "Please eat up! Me and Pearl were thinking of showing you around today! We don't need to be at work until later on."

"I'd appreciate that! I still have many questions that need answering." You said as you took a stack of pancakes for yourself. "Speaking of Pearl, where is she? Still asleep?"

Marina nodded. "Pearlie isn't a morning person. She sleeps in a lot. I sometimes don't know when she finishes playing her video games at night."

You chuckle. "Sounds a lot like what I was like to be honest. I can relate with her that way." You took a bite out of the pancakes. Much like the food yesterday, it was absolutely wonderful.

There was then a loud yawn from nearby which drew your attention. Stood there was a very tired looking Pearl rubbing her eyes, still in her pajamas.

"Speak of the devil! Hey Pearl!" You smiled at her as she waved slowly.

"Hey dude...." She yawned loudly and walked over, taking a seat next to you. Marina pushed a plate of pancakes over to her, which she stared at for a few moments.

"Up late again?" Marina sighed as she watched Pearl slowly nod her head and reach for a fork. "Pearlie....I've told you many times that you need to get to sleep earlier! You can be so cranky in the mornings!"

"Yeah yeah....I don't get enough time to play though...we're always so busy..." She took her first bite from her breakfast. Slowly but surely, she began to wake up a little more and practically inhaled the rest of the food.

"Heh...don't worry Pearl. I can relate to you. Most nights I'd usually find myself staying up to stupid hours in the morning playing video games." You gently pat her head.

The small inkling giggled and smiled at you before jumping down from her chair and taking her plate over to be washed.

"I told Y/N that we would show him around the square a little bit before work!" Marina called out to Pearl. "So we will need to get going pretty soon."

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