Chapter 2: New Home

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Finally, the end of the working day came for Marina and Pearl. It was hard for them to even focus on anything with everyone going mad because of your sudden appearance in the middle of Inkopolis square.

"This is as crazy as one of our concerts! Maybe even crazier!" Said Pearl as she got down from her chair and made her way to the door, not taking her eyes off the crowd at the window.

"Mhm. The square is pretty much full I think. Hopefully we don't have too many issues getting home." Marina joined her at the door and they both left the room, making their way back to where they left you.

Upon entering, they found you laid down on the sofa with your eyes closed. Despite being asleep for 12,000 years, you were feeling pretty tired. The events of the day and the way it all happened so quickly had taken its toll on you.

"Must've been bored here on his own." Pearl said as she walked over to you and began to shake you. "Yo dude! Wake up! We gotta go home now!"

"Pearlie! Don't be so rude! We can easily wait for him to wake up!" Marina grabbed the inklings arm and pulled her away. However, the shaking had woken you up anyway.

"What....time is it Mum?" You let out a yawn and rubbed your eyes before turning your head to face them. " I wasn't dreaming after all then..."

"N-No I'm afraid not...." Marina let go of Pearl's arm and gently rested her hand on your forehead. "I am so sorry Y/N...."

"Don't's not your fault after all....I was being silly thinking I would go to sleep and wake up and everything would be back to normal again...." You pushed yourself up and stretched your arms. "However that is not the case...."

"No....anyway, we're done for today and are just about to head home. Our driver will be picking us up soon. You ready to go?" You nodded in response to Marina.

"Sure. What's the place like?"

"Dude, it's the best place in the whole world! Trust me! You'll love it!" Pearl sounded extremely proud.

"I'll take your word for it. Shall we go then?" You gestured for them to lead the way, which they did. After making sure that it was clear for you to leave, Marina led you outside. It was a short walk from where you were, to the car that was waiting for you.

"Wow! Everybody wasn't kidding when they said there was a human!" The driver exclaimed as you climbed into the car and sat next to Marina.

"Yes it's still sinking in really!" The octoling chuckled as she smiled at you. So far when you saw her smile, it made you feel warm on the inside. To be honest, he whole attitude towards you and the way she was being so gentle made you feel a whole lot better about all this.

"At least I've met someone who truly cares....and we only met earlier today!" You thought to yourself as the driver began to take you all back to your new home.

You remained pretty silent on the journey, listening to Marina and Pearl chat to each other. Staring out of the window, you watched other inklings walking through the streets. Some talking to each other, and others with their eyes glued to their phones. Most likely catching up with the story of you turning up in the middle of the city square.

Once you had arrived back at Pearl and Marina's house, you were still lost in your thoughts. Not realising the car had come to a stop until you felt someone poke your shoulder.

"Are you coming? We can't leave you in the car after all!" Marina giggled after getting your attention.

"Y-yeah I'm coming....sorry I was just lost in thought just there...." You crawled out of the car and your jaw dropped as you gazed at the house in front of you.

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