Chapter 18: The Quest To The Promised Land

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"So if you've already been on the surface....and have become familiar with our ways....then why are you down here?" Cuttlefish asked you.

All four of you had sat down on the platform now and were talking to each other. Eight however remained silent and sat in front of you, still seemingly fascinated by you.

" and Bobble here were hanging out together and we....decided to go down into the metro in Inkopolis." You began.

"When we got down there, a train turned up and we hopped on it. However, we weren't on it very long before the train started to go haywire and derailed, before falling deeper underground. That's how I got this wound on my head." You said, pointing at your head where you hit it.

"Aha I see. That does seem like quite a nasty hit. Are you okay?" Cuttlefish seemed concerned, but you quickly waved them away with a smile.

"I am fine! I managed to remain unscathed for 12,000 years, so I don't think a bump to the head is going to stop me now!" You say triumphantly.

"Indeed. But what is it like though? Being the last of your kind? Doesn't it...hurt at all?" He asked as your triumphant smile dropped.

"....y-yeah it does. But I keep on going because I know I must. In any way shape or form, the human race will always continue." You say, quickly breaking past a moment of sadness and becoming determined once more.

"That's a fighting spirit! I can see why my grandchildren recruited you!" He said while using his walking stick to push himself back up onto his feet.

"Your help would really come in handy with our quest now! Seeming as all four of us now have the same goal!" He said as you followed suit and stood up next to him.

"Yes! We must find a way back up to the surface! The best way we can do that is by working together!" You say, gently patting the Captain on the back as Eight scrambled up to her feet and stood beside you.

You look at her and she looked back at you, tilting her head as she did so.

"This one is very curious isn't she?" You asked with a smile and you reached out and gently pat her on the head.

At first she wasn't sure what to make of it, and the look on her face told you that she was processing the gesture.

You put your hand back by your side again, but Eight finally seemed to clock how she felt about it and hurriedly grabbed your hand and placed it back on her head again.

"You like that, huh?" You said with a chuckle as you pat her head again.

"So, I saw you dragging something out of the train when you arrived. What did you need that thing for?" You pointed at the object in question that was set down on the platform behind the phone.

"That phone you see there, told us that we needed to retrieve four 'thangs'. This is one of those 'thangs'." Cuttlefish explained.

"Right okay....and these 'thangs' do what exactly?" You asked.

"They are the key to get to the promised land!" Said Cuttlefish.

"The promised land....being the surface?" You asked, just to make absolutely sure you were on the same page.

"That's what I assume yes!" Cuttlefish confirmed as you nodded your head.

"Right! Cool! Then we work together and find these 'thangs' and get back home!" You exclaimed as Bobble cheered from behind you and hugged you.

"Yay! This is so cool! Oh I'm gonna tell my friends all about this when I get back!!" She squealed excitedly.

You smiled at her enthusiasm before turning back to Cuttlefish.

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