Chapter 26: Home

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A/n: Woomy!


The sun has risen higher in the sky as everyone was taken back to Inkopolis. It was a very quiet flight, the air filled with relief as you all just sat in silence enjoying each other's company.

After her exploits in the battle, Pearl was lying down with her head in your lap. Her throat was very sore after screaming as loud as she did for an extended period of time.

The whole time she was settled there, she looked up at you with a smile on her face. She was able to tell you how happy she was, even without her voice as the sparkle in her eyes did enough talking for her.

"It's a surprise to see Pearlie so quiet." Marina said, sitting herself down next to you as she laid her head on your shoulder.

"But then again, she blew her voice out in the battle. So there's an excuse." She said, her smile faltering a little as she looked at you.

The look she gave crushed you inside. You knew that it was going to be emotional when you finally made your way back to them, but it still hit you very hard.

"...w-we looked everywhere for you. All around the town. We asked everyone and they had no idea..." Marina said, getting a little teary.

"Marina...there isn't a way in words for me to explain how sorry I am. To both you and Pearl. I never meant to cause you such stress." You said, apologetically but knowing that it would be nowhere near enough.

"What matters is that you are safe now. That's all I care about. And so does Pearlie." Marina said as she gently nuzzled you.

"Echo on the other hand...might have a word or two with you." She said, opening her eyes.

"She was extremely worried too. She said how you were one of the first people to befriend her and that she would always be thankful for that. There were points where she thought we'd never see you again..." Marina said.

That made your heart sink further. But it meant a lot to hear how much everyone cared. You were something new for them when you stumbled into their lives and they had all just welcomed with you with open arms.

"I' sure to make it up to her. And everyone else too. Even if I'm doing that for the rest of my life." You said as Marina giggled.

"Just...don't go running off on anymore adventures okay? Stay in Inkopolis where it is safe." She said.

"Sure thing Marina...I won't go anywhere." You said, sighing deeply as you let yourself relax properly for the first time in...

...quite a while.


"Thanks for the lift!! I still can't believe that got to meet Off The Hook!" Bobble said, squealing slightly as she jumped up and down.

The realisation that she had been talking to Marina and Pearl the whole time, plus actually meeting them in person, was just starting to settle in.

You had all been brought to Pearl's mansion, the helicopter landing on a pad that was on the roof.

"You are most welcome! Don't you need a lift into the town? We can easily get our driver to take you!" Marina said, to which the blue inkling declined.

"I can make my own way back, it's fine! After all that we went through down in the metro, I feel like I can take on anything!!" She cheered, stretching her limbs as she opened her eyes and looked at you.

"We had fun, right? Even if it was slightly dangerous sometimes, and you did get injured. Aaaand mind-controlled." Bobble said, laughing awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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