Chapter 12: Missed Detail

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Marina sat at the dining table with a cup of coffee sat on the table in front of her. She hadn't touched it since she brought it over as her mind was occupied elsewhere.

As much as she didn't want to keep delving into the matter, she still couldn't help but how just how close you and Echo were.

After all, you did just randomly show up one evening with her at your side. Plus, you wanted her to stay here too. And just last night when you all got back, she noticed her winking at you and the way your cheeks went red.

"Am I really thinking too much about this? They could just be really good friends. Being partners in combat would bring them close really quickly....." The octoling sighed as she finally broke out of her thoughts and took a sip from her drink.

"Damn 'Rina. You were really in the zone thinking hard about something just then! I'm surprised you're able to think so hard this early in the morning! Some of us don't even wanna get out of bed!" Pearl had been observing her best friend for some time as she munched on her cereal.

"Y-yeah....I-I was thinking too really is quite unnecessary....." She said, more to convince herself then anyone else. Pearl just shrugged and continued eating her breakfast.

"Morning!!!!" Echo sang as she skipped down the stairs, gaining the attention of Marina and Pearl. Both of them waved at her as she got to the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning Echo! Where is Y/N?" Marina inquired. A faint blush taking its place on her cheeks as she did.

Thankfully, no one noticed and Echo answered her question. "Still sleeping, snoring gently away. Seemed really peaceful, so I didn't wanna bother him."

"Good....he really could do with a lot of rest. I'm really surprised he's adapted to his new life so quickly!" Both Pearl and Echo nodded in agreement.

"He's surprisingly chilled! Perhaps it's because of how awesome we are 'Rina!" Pearl exclaimed triumphantly as Marina giggled.

"I guess that could be one of the reasons!" Her smile widened.

"He does talk about you two quite a bit!" Echo grinned and made her way into the kitchen to fetch herself some breakfast.

"Well at least it seems like we're doing the right thing. As long as he is happy, that is the most important thing!" Marina took another long sip from her coffee as she heard another set of footsteps coming down the stairs.

Turning her head, the smile on her face only widened when she saw you slowly making your way down them. Your hair all messy and your eyes half closed as you rubbed them to try and wake up a little more.

"Morning everyone...." You yawned loudly and stumbled over to the chair next to Marina, only just managing to set yourself on it instead of falling onto the floor.

"Morning! Shouldn't you really be sleeping more? You still look exhausted!" Marina's question was answered almost instantly by the sound of your stomach rumbling.

"I'm really hungry.....I couldn't get back to sleep because of that. Which is slightly annoying." You grumbled as a cup of fresh coffee was set down in front of you by Echo.

"Mornin' partner! I thought I would quickly make a coffee for myself, but looking at the state of you, I think you need it more!" She patted your head gently, making you smile.

"Thanks Echo." You simply replied and took a sip from the coffee. "What are you three up to today? I'm guessing you and Pearl are at work?"

Marina nodded. "We are. You can easily come with us and spend the day in the studio! You wouldn't get bored!"

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