Chapter 17: The Cuttlefish and The Octoling

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"Bobble don't go running off. The tunnels are still open, and you don't know how far they go!" You called out to your friend as she leapt about the place in her squid form, covering ground at an extraordinary place.

"I'm not going far! You're such a worry wart! I can handle myself you know!" She retorted and you knew she was rolling her eyes as she did so.

"I know I just....remain cautious and concerned for your safety." You say as you hear her jump back over to you and turn back into her humanoid form.

"It's sweet of you to be concerned! I appreciate it!" She grinned and nudged you gently with her elbow.

"Heh. I try my hardest." You smile back as you heard a slight rumbling, which eventually began to get louder.

On instinct, you gently grabbed the hood of Bobble's hoodie and pulled her close to you. Eventually, a bright light shone through the tunnel to your right and out of it came a metro train.

It screeched to a halt at the platform you were stood on, followed by the opening of its doors. All of this left you dumbfounded, as you were not expecting a train to turn up at the station.

"Huh? But....I didn't think the trains would still be running. Why are they running if no one else is down here?" You said as Bobble pulled away from you and walked towards the train.

"Should we find out where it goes?!" She exclaimed excitedly.

You opened your mouth to talk and stop her, but shut it again knowing that she probably wouldn't listen. Besides you had come this far already, there was no way you could just up and leave all this now.

"Why not? Might as well." You say as you follow her onto the train.

Almost immediately after you boarded, the doors shut and the train started moving. It caught you off guard and you nearly stumbled over.

"Damn! That started moving before I thought it would." You said as you steadied yourself.

Looking up and down the train, it was completely empty which didn't really surprise you. But everything just felt so eerie.

"I've been on these kinds of trains when they are empty. During the night and all. But back then you expect these things to run....but not now. This just feels really uncomfortable...." You said before taking a seat.

"Might as well sit down and see where this takes is then. Can worry all we like won't do much good." You say as Bobble sits down next to you.

"Even so....this is cool right?! The trains down here are still working! I've never been on one before!" She said, feeling really excited.

"Yeah I guess it is kinda cool. And while we're here, we can probably find out why the metro is still running." You say as the train rattled on through the tunnels.

All of a sudden, the rattling got louder and the train seemed to rock more and more before it jumped up and seemed to leave the tracks.

It was dark outside with minimal lighting in the tunnels, so there was no way you could see what was going on outside to cause the train to do this.

"W-what's going on?!" Bobble exclaimed as she clung onto you.

You did your best to hold onto and reassure her as the train derailed and seemed to fall down a hole.

"I-I don't know! Just hold on Bobble! Don't let go of me!!" You say as the train kept falling, causing you to hold onto a metal pole while Bobble changed into her squid form to make it easier for you to hold onto.

Finally, the train seemed to hit the floor before everything went black.


"Y-Y/N!! P-Please wake up!! Please!!!"

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