Chapter 4: The New Squidbeak Splatoon

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Once you had finished your clothes shopping, Marina and Pearl were kind enough to not only show you around the square and introduce you to the shop owners, but also treated you to some lunch. They took you to a van that was set up in the square which was owned by someone called 'Crusty Sean'.

"His food is the absolute best!" Pearl cheered as she tucked into a mountain of food while you and Marina watched on. "Me and Marina come here often when we get off work!"

"Normally as a treat mind you." Added Marina before she began to eat her own food, albeit more elegantly than Pearl. Not rushing or gobbling any of it down, just enjoying it.

"I'll take your word for it." You said before you slowly put the food in your mouth. The taste was...different, but in all honesty you weren't expecting much of the food to be the same as it was back in the day. It was a pleasant surprise that you were give the pancakes this morning after all. "Hm! Yeah actually. I like it!"

"Told ya! Sean is the absolute best!" Pearl spoke with her mouth full causing Marina to sigh and shake her head disapprovingly.

"How many times Pearl...don't talk with your mouth full! You're making a mess over there!" She sounded like a parent gently scolding their child which made you chuckle.

"Here, you want a napkin?" You ask Pearl with a smile on your face as you held the napkin out to her. She nodded and graciously took it from you and wiped her mouth before swallowing what she was chewing.

"Sorry. I just forget sometimes..." She sounded slightly embarrassed and her cheeks went slightly red.

"Heh. No worries Pearl. Besides, its kinda adorable listening to you two interact sometimes." Both of them looked at you, blushing a little.

"I-it is?" Marina asked, surprised.

"Yeah! You sound like a mother talking to her kid. Reminds me a little bit of my mother actually..." Your face dropped right after saying that, and the two girls noticed it too. Marina gently put a hand on your shoulder and rubbed it. "S-sorry...I didn't mean to kill the mood like that. I just...miss them."

"And you think we didn't expect you to? Y/N, I'm sure you'll miss them for the rest of your life. We will never understand how you must feel being the last of your kind...but me and Pearl will be there for you. Okay?" She smiled as you turned to face her. A single tear ran down your cheek as you smiled back and nodded.

"Th-thank you...I'm really lucky to have met you both." You breath deeply and got back to eating, wanting to get away from the conversation as quickly as possible.

Eventually, the three of you had finished your food and were casually chatting to pass the time.   You got to know a little bit more about life in Inkopolis and how everyone enjoyed activities such as 'Turf Wars'. It sounded a whole lot of fun, but when they mentioned having to refill their ink tanks every so often by turning into their squid form, you knew it would be impossible for you to take past.

That still wouldn't stop you from going to watch them however. Pearl was really eager for you to watch a match she was in, boasting how good she was.

Eventually though, it was about time Pearl and Marina had to go to work. "Do you wanna come with us and stay in the studio Y/N? You might get bored though..." Marina suggested, to which you shook your head.

"I'll be fine here. Might have another look around the place. You're right, I'll just get bored if I sat around in the studio. Besides, I wouldn't wanna disrupt your work." Your response seemed to somewhat satisfy the octoling, but not fully.

"I'm just worried something might happen to you. This isn't the same as your human world..." You were going to respond, but was beaten to it by Pearl.

"Oh come on Marina! He'll be fine I'm sure! He managed to find his way here from the middle of nowhere after all!" Marina looked at Pearl and then back at you again. You just gave her a thumbs up and nodded. 

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