Chapter 22: Agent Three To The Rescue

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A/N: Just in case of any confusion...

When writing is bold like this.


Like this.

This is the mind controlled version of you. The real you just has the regular writing and italic writing like this when thinking.

Hope that reduces confusion!

-Alan :)


Neither Eight nor Bobble wanted to start firing ink at you. Despite the fact that it wouldn't have done much damage to you, they saw you as their friend and didn't want to fight you.

But 'you' didn't give them that option.

'You' leapt at them without a weapon, with the intent of snatching one of theirs. Both of them quickly turned into their squid forms and jumped out of the way.

This clearly infuriated 'you' quite a bit as you started to grit your teeth. 'You' stopped yourself and turned around as the two of them landed back on the ground and returned to their humanoid forms.

Almost instantly, they started shooting and hurling ink at you. They aimed for the ink blob on your head to try and get it off.

However, the mind control seemed to make it easier for you to dodge and react faster.

"He's gotten super quick! I really don't wanna hurt him, but are we gonna have to do that to free him from this mind control?" Bobble considered.

Her momentary blip in concentration though, presented 'you' with an opportunity. You rushed at her with the intent to take away her slosher.

She didn't realise this until it was too late and you were practically right on top of her.

"No!!!! I will not let you do this!!!! Leave her alone!!!" You screamed at your other self and ran up, landing a huge punch knocking him backwards.

It hurt your hand of course, and your knuckles were quickly bruised. However, you had saved Bobble for now.

The inkling was confused when you just suddenly stopped, your eyes wide as your body started to tremble.

"B-Bobble....I-I'm sorry....I-I'm trying to fight haven't a chance of regaining control...." You tried speaking to her, but weee very quickly cut off by the mind controlled you who had retaliated with a hit of his own.

Bobble did scramble away with the time she had, now clutching onto her slosher with more determination and purpose.

"I knew you were still in there Y/N! Don't worry, we are gonna free you!" She exclaimed, hurling a bucket load of ink which hit you right in the face.

'You' hissed and cursed as you tried to wipe the ink off. While she had landed the hit, Bobble only hit a small part of the mine control ink blob. Meaning that there was a lot more work that needed to be done.

"Come on Y/N! Incapacitate these creatures so we can be done!" Tartar shouted which got on your nerves slightly.

"Why don't you come here and help?! They are much faster than I am!" You retorted before taking a volley of ink from Eight.

"Damnit! You're all pests! It's even harder to deal with the sealife when you're being a nuisance in here!" 'You' said as the real you kept on fighting for control of your own body.

"I thought you'd understand that I would act on my instinct to survive!" You said and stood tall.

"I survived the mass extinction of my own species! I awoke after 12,000 years and managed to find a home with a brand new species of creatures! Peaceful and brilliant creature who are far better than what we humans were! So if you think I'm about to give that up, then you are mistaken!" You yelled, delivering a powerful punch to the other you, sending him flying back.

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