Chapter 19: The Second Thang

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Soon after you finished speaking to Marina and Pearl, Eight returned from her mission which meant that the train moved on. The octoling had a map of the metro, that has multiple lines branching off everywhere.

"Wonder how far this network goes, and why exactly are there no passengers down here? Something must've happened...." You internally monologued as you felt something gently poke your hand.

Looking up, it was Eight who had sat next to you. She had poked your hand to get your attention.

"What's up Eight?" You smiled at her.

The octoling tilted her head and looked at your arm, before gently laying her head against it and nuzzling you gently.

"Cute....." You thought and gently rubbed her head.

Soon, the train came to a stop again which meant that you had reached the next level. At first, Eight seemed a little reluctant to move from where she was.

But eventually, she stood up and walked slowly towards the open door. However she suddenly stopped and turned around, lifting her hand up towards you.

"Does she want you to go with her?" Bobble asked.

"Seems so.....I don't see what purpose I'd have seeming as I'm not armed." You say.

Not a moment later, you heard something being placed beside you and looked to see that it was Bobble's slosher.

"Now you are! You can take my slosher! I don't mind!" She gave you a wide grin to show her support.

"You know how to use it right?" She asked.

"Yeah I know! It's just like throwing a bucket of water! Thanks a lot Bobble!" You thank her and stand up, taking the slosher in one hand and gently holding Eight's hand with the other one.

"We won't be long hopefully!" You said as Eight began to drag you off the train.

She took you through the barrier and into a booth that provided her with a weapon, before it opened and allowed you into the stage.

The environment was much different to what you had been through with Echo. Platforms were floating above massive drops. One wrong step here would certainly be the end for you.

You weren't sure about Eight though, assuming that she would respawn at the pad at the start if something happened to her.

"Hey know I'm not like you right? I mean if I fall, then I don't come back. So I'm just gonna have to be a little careful okay!" You said to her.

She turned to you, giving what you said some thought. You could tell she was processing what you said, before it all finally clicked and she nodded her head in understanding.

"Cool! Now lead the way! Don't worry, I'll be right behind you." You reassured as Eight ran off and began to ink the floor.

"Yep. Back doing this again." You took a deep breath before following behind her.

There was a lot more going on here than you were used to. You had to climb and jump over more gaps, each one making you quite nervous before you went for it.

"S-sorry if I'm slowing you down Eight! I'm not really suited to this like you are." You said while taking a moment to catch your breath.

As you did so, you felt a gentle pat on your head and looked up to see Eight stood over you. She was smiling and patting your hair again, the curiosity back in her eyes.

" really are a curious one aren't you? How long have you been down here?" You asked, seeing if she would respond.

She just looked at you and tilted her head.

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