Chapter 20: Getting Closer

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"I hope you're not getting too bored here Bobble." You said to your blue inkling friend as the train rattled on through the tunnels.

"No I'm okay! I actually have a lot of things that are occupying my mind at the moment!" She said in response.

"Your friends must be worried where you are right now." You mentioned to her as she nodded and let her head drop a little.

"Yeah they're probably worried sick! My parents as well! But there isn't much I can do about that from down here, other than put my faith in you and Eight!" She cheered, lifting her head up.

Eight had been sat next to you, gently kicking her legs back and forth. Her ears perked up at the mention of her name and she turned to look at you both.

"You can count on us! Right Eight?" You said while patting her on the head.

"Y.....yes!" She responded, giving you a close eyed smile as a result of the headpats.

"Heh! There, we have Eight's seal of approval!" You exclaimed as the train came to a stop once more.

The doors opened and Eight stepped out. After a few moments, she gestured for you to follow her which you did.

"Is this somewhere I can be useful then?" You asked.

The octoling nodded and led you on through the barrier to the stage. On the other side of a very large gap were two structures. One seemed to have been sculpted into a certain shape and the other just seemed to be a pile of wooden boxes.

"So I'm guessing we have to....match the shape of the sculpture with those boxes?" You said as Eight nodded and turned into her octo form.

You grabbed onto her and held on as tightly as you could while she super jumped over to the other side, landing safely.

She transformed back and walked up to the sculpture with you in tow.

"If you take one side I'll take the other?" You asked as she turned her head and nodded at you before splitting off.

You walked around the side and paid close attention to the shape and how certain blocks protruded out further than others.

"Need to be very careful here. Gotta get this right." You said while lifting Bobble's slosher and throwing ink at one of the boxes, breaking it into pieces.

"Okay, good start." You said as you continued going around.

However at some point, Eight must've accidentally broke a wrong box as you heard her scream and the sound of ink splashing.

"EIGHT!!!" You exclaimed and ran around to find a puddle of blue ink on the floor.

"E-Eight...." You quietly said as the boxes seemed to reset and you heard Eight jump back over and land on the platform again.

"Oh thank goodness...did you get one wrong?" You asked as she solemnly nodded.

"That's alright. These things take time. We just need to be patient. Alright?" You said, giving her a reassuring hug which she eagerly returned.

The two of you spent a while trying to get it right. Sometimes Eight would mess up, other times you would.

You felt really bad when you did so, because Eight would bare the brunt of the punishment. Having the ink dumped on her caused her to respawn back up at the pad, while not having any affect on you at all.

"At least she can come back...." You murmured to yourself as Eight returned to the stage once again, before you resumed.

Soon enough, you eventually got your sculpture to match the other one. The platform began to move, giving you a path to the end of the stage.

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