Chapter 14: Information Retrieval

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"Man I'm so hungryyyyy...." Callie whined as you all walked along through the dark halls of the bunker. Her stomach rumbled to prove her point.

Marie could only sigh and roll her eyes. "What did I say to you before? You shouldn't have eaten all your snacks before we got here!" She scolded her cousin like a mother scolding her child.

"But I was hungry then as well!! I couldn't help it!" Callie pouted and crossed her arms.

"I don't think we'll be down here much longer. So we can get you more food when we get back to Inkopolis." You said, entering the conversation as you shone your light down a path that branched off from the hallway you were in.

"Really?! We will?!" Callie's eyes lit up as she clasped her hands together.

"Of course we will. Why, did something make you think that we wouldn't?" Marie sighed and shook her head. "But yeah let's hurry it up and get out of here. Doesn't even look like there's much left here anyway."

You sighed and nodded your head. "You're right. I...don't even know what I was expecting to find down here. Suppose I was just more hopeful than anything."

"And you had every right to be. But I think it would be a waste of our time to linger here any longer." Marie responded, already thinking of turning around and heading back to the truck.

"You can easily head back to the truck you know? I won't be too long if you don't want to be down here any longer." You said turning to the other two.

"No we shall stay with you. As much as I would like to leave, we are a team. No one is getting left alone. Alright?" Marie placed a hand on her hip.

"Yes ma'am!" You smiled and gave her a little salute which made her chuckle.

Eventually, you came across a room with an open door. It had long since lost power and the metal was rusting away.

"Let's see if there's anything of interest in here." You said while stepping inside. Shining your torch around, there wasn't really that much.

Barring a large screen mounted onto the wall at the far end of the room, with what looked to be a pad in front of it.

"Huh....this is very similar to the machine I used when I woke up. A computer. Perhaps there's some information stored on here too." You walked up and tapped on the pad.

Nothing happened.

"Of course though, I think I got pretty lucky. Seems like this thing doesn't work anymore. Perhaps I could get it working though...." You looked back at the others.

"You sure you wanna bother? It might not be worth your time." Marie said, coming over to join you.

"Maybe so. But I'll take the chance. Better check it out, rather than leave it and maybe miss out on some pretty important information that could be of good help to us." You said to convince her as you took another look around the room.

"Perhaps we need to find the power generator. Might be able to start it up again. Come on." You gestured for the two inklings to follow you out of the room, in search of the generator.

"This perseverance of yours is really quite inspiring. Guess that's how we completed our mission to be honest." Marie rambled as you walked, causing you to nod in reply.

"Yeah but you can't forget the role you played! You were our leader and we couldn't have beaten Octavio without you!" You cheered as Marie smirked a little.

"I guess you're right. I am pretty good!" She said proudly.

You merely chuckled as you searched the area for a power generator. It took a while, but finally you stumbled across the right place. Actually, you almost missed it because of how worn the sign was.

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