Chapter 15: A Relatively Normal Life

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A/N: Sorry about the long wait. The next part will take us to the octo expansion fully. It has been mentioned partially so far, but will be the main focus for the next few chapters after this one.


"How did you little expedition go then?" Marina asked as she gently pushed a cup of freshly made coffee over the table across to you.

"It went well thanks! Found stuff in there that might be useful." You said while smiling widely. "I hope that from here, I might be able to find more human bunkers that are left scattered around the place."

"I'm sure you will." She smiled sweetly at you.

Then again, her smile was always so sweet and it always made your heart beat a little faster.

You nodded in response to what she said and continued to drink your coffee in silence for a little while with Marina with you at the table.

"How has work been for you and Pearl?" You asked, breaking the silence wanting to make some small talk before things got too awkward.

"Great! A little hectic....but it's still the job I love! Making music with Pearlie!" She smiled and giggled happily. "The fans do often ask about you too! I think more and more people are starting to realise that you're staying with us! Plus you are spotted quite a bit in the square!"

You chuckled. "Yeah. It does feel like people are watching me a lot, but at least I've managed to make friends! I don't feel like such an outsider!"

Marina's smile widened as she stood up and walked over to stand next to where you were sat. She then fished into her pocket and brought out her phone.

"Can we take a picture together?" She asked excitedly.

"Sure! I guess so. Where's the harm in it?" You smiled in reply which made Marina even more excited.

"Cool!!!" She exclaimed as she moved her head down so it was level with yours.

Then, she wrapped her arm around your shoulders and brought you in closer to her. Lifting her phone up, you smiled with her and heard the sound of the picture being taken.

"Kya!!! So cute!!" She giggled as she looked at the resulting picture.

It was a really nice picture. Marina sporting her usual bright close eyed smile.

"Yeah. It's a lovely picture." You said.

"Can I post this? It'll stop a lot of people from asking how you're doing. It's....getting a little annoying." She asked you with a hopeful smile on her face.

"Sure thing. I don't mind to be honest. Everyone has probably already seen me walking around anyway." You accepted her wish to post the picture which made her even happier.

"Thank you!!!" She cheered as she walked away, typing on her phone presumably already posting the picture.

You sat alone for a little while, enjoying the peace and quiet as you drank your coffee. This was until you heard hurried footsteps coming down the stairs and turned to see Pearl rushing over to you.

"Hey Pearl. What's got you so rushed?" You asked the small inkling as she held her phone up to you.

"You haven't taken a picture with me yet!!! When did you and 'Rina take this?!" She exclaimed as you recoiled a little in surprise.

"Just now. She wanted to take a photo with me. Then she posted it so people could see how I am. Why?" You tilted your head innocently.

"I wanna take a picture with you too and post it! Have you seen how many likes Marina's one has gotten?!" She held the phone closer to you so you could see.

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