Chapter 13: Bunker and Blushes

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"Sheldon will be here with the truck soon. Are you ready Y/N?" Marie asked placing a hand gently on your shoulder.

"Y-yeah I am....j-just a little scared of what I may find in there though." You sighed and looked at her with a sad smile on your face.

"A-Ah yeah....well don't worry Y/N! We'll be there with you! You won't be alone!" She smiled widely, which made you feel much better.

"I-i know you will....thanks Marie. I-I can't thank you enough for the hospitality and support that you have given me...." You turn around and pull her into a hug.

The inkling was taken aback by the gesture at first. She tensed up and blushed before she slowly replicated the gesture. "Y-you are welcome...."

There then came a loud beeping, and Sheldon called out from the truck. "Alright everyone!! I'm here and ready to go!!"

"Finally!!! Let's go!! It's time to go on an adventure!!!" Callie cheered and ran to the truck, hopping into it without a moments hesitation.

"Let's go then. This should prove to be interesting." You let go of Marie, who was pretty upset that she had to break off from the hug already.

But she knew that there would be more time later on. For now, she knew that visiting this bunker and seeing what was down there meant a lot to you.

You both hopped into the back of the truck and a few moments later, the doors shut and Sheldon began to fly.

Staring out of the window, you couldn't help but let your mind drift away. The feeling of excitement was coupled together with a feeling of dread and fear.

What would you even find down there, if anything?

"Y/N?" You heard Marie's voice and then felt her gently shake you, which broke you out of your thoughts.

"Hm? Y-yeah sorry I was just thinking is all....of what we might find down there." You sighed and laid your head against the window. "I-I just hope it isn't anything....bad."

Marie wrapped her arms around you and rested her chin on your shoulder. "W-we don't have it do this you know. Octavio might even be lying. If this is too much for you...."

"N-No Marie....I won't shy away from it. Think of what we could find." You tried sounding optimistic.

"Mhm Mhm....alright. We're here for you." She rested her head against yours, making your cheeks flush a little bit.

However, you closed your eyes and just let her stay there. Her presence and warmth made you feel relaxed.

Marie looked around and saw that Callie was distracted. Glancing back at you, she took a deep breath and leaned in. She pressed her lips against your cheek, her face turning red as soon as she did so.

Your eyes slowly opened as you turned yourself to face the inkling. The colour in your cheeks rapidly began to change as you opened your mouth to speak.

"U-uhm....M-Marie?" You stuttered.

She smiled softly and moved herself closer to you, wrapping her arms around you. "I-I thought....maybe you could do with a little comfort and reassurance. Just so you know that I'm here to support you. Always."

You nodded your head and averted your gaze, the blush on your face worsening by the second. "I-I know Marie....I-I am forever grateful for your kindness...."

Her smile widened as she gently cupped your chin with her fingers, and lifted it so she could see your face. The colour of your face made her chuckle. " do look really cute when you're flustered." She chuckled again as you gulped and smiled awkwardly.

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