Chapter 25: To Save Inkopolis

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It didn't take Three long to find a way that led further up. There was an old stairway that seemed to be falling apart in places that spiralled right up to the very top.

"There's our way up." You began.

"Buuuut...the stairs are in such a state of disrepair. We're gonna have to be careful." You continued, reaching your foot out and placing it on the bottom stair.

Nothing happened and there were no hints that it would crumble and fall apart, until you lifted your foot onto the second step. There was a creak and a crack and you could hear pieces falling off below you.

"Let's go slowly...and one at a time to avoid putting too much weight on the stairs." You said.

"Good idea. I'll be right behind you, so don't worry about being ambushed. I've got your back." Three said, giving you a nod at the same time.

"Thank you Three. I appreciate it." You said before beginning to slowly make your way up.

Everyone followed on behind, leaving a good distance in between themselves as to not put the stairs under a lot of stress.

"Thinking about it, inklings and octolings don't have bones right? Hence why you can turn into a squid or an octopus at will." You said, loud enough so at least Three could hear you.

"Yes. Our bodies are made up of ink and cartilage. No bones. Why do you bring that up?"She asked.

"It just occurred to me that you, Bobble and Eight must be a lot lighter than me given the make up of your bodies." You said.

"It's just a thought. I'm trying to pass a little time while walking." You said with a slight smile.

"You do have a point I suppose..." Three responded, enjoying the short discussion she had with you.

Since most of her missions were solo, she never really had the opportunity to talk with anyone while on them. Even on any missions that she had some company, she hardly spoke with anyone barring any discussions on tactics or enemies.

So for her, this was a pleasant change.

"Phew...I think I'm getting close!" You called out to the rest of the group as you neared the top of the stairs.

As you got closer, you were able to make out the shape of a hatch that was at the top of a very short ladder.

"There's a ladder here! Don't worry, it's not a very high one at all! It's only a short climb!" You said as you arrived at the base of it.

Taking a deep breath, you started climbing until you were right underneath the hatch. Still hanging onto the ladder with one hand, you reached up with your other one and grabbed onto the wheel.

You tried turning it, but it was quite stiff so you had to put a lot of strength into it. Eventually, it did start to turn and the more it was turned, the easier and looser it became.

You could hear the bolts and locks sliding as you turned the wheel until it could not be turned anymore. Mustering up more strength, you pushed the hatch upwards to open it.

Upon doing so, you were greeted by the blinding light of the sun. It took a few moments, but you soon adjusted and saw the blue sky, dotted with a few clouds here and there.

"The sky!!! It's the sky! I haven't seen the sky in ages!!!" You exclaimed, overjoyed that you had finally made your way back up to the surface.

Truth by told, you had no idea how long you had been stuck down in the metro. You guessed it had been a couple of days.

"Great! At last, made it back up to the surface. That sure was one hell of a journey..." Three said from the bottom of the ladder, recounting her own journey.

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