Chapter 23: The Plan To Escape

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"Can't believe an old telephone was capable of thinking out all of the stuff that happened down here. Baiting Eight into gathering all those objects, just to nearly blend her up at the end of it all. Then that mind control ink..." You rambled on but stopped yourself before sighing and burying your face in your hands.

The whole ordeal down here in the Deep Sea Metro was really starting to take its toll. Right now, you just wanted to get back to the surface and go back home to Pearl and Marina.

"What matters is that everyone is okay now." You heard Marina say from the other end of the radio.

At least you could still talk to them through the radio. That made you feel a slight bit better.

"Yeah...if only I hadn't been tricked. I let my guard go down and it was nearly very costly." You said.

"Hey, you shouldn't beat yourself up about it! I was never happy leaving you on your own, so technically you could say it's my fault!" Bobble said as she sat next to you and put a hand on your shoulder.

You looked up at her and just stared at her for a few moments before finally opening your mouth once you found what you wanted to say.

"It was gonna make me do things I did not want to do. Harm those who I only wish to protect." You said, glancing at Eight who was sat with Captain Cuttlefish and Agent Three.

"But you didn't, that's the point! You fought against it and won!" Bobble cheered.

"With help." You added.

"If Agent Three didn't show up when she did, who knows what would've happened?" You said as you noticed the green inkling look up at the mention of her name.

The two of you looked at each other for a moment before she stood up and slowly made her way over to you. She kept her gun in a position where she could quickly draw it if she needed to.

"I heard you say my name." She said as you nodded.

"Yeah sorry...I was just saying how fortunate it was that you came when you did." You said.

"Hmm, it is." Three said before going silent briefly.

You could tell from the look in her eyes that she was sizing you up, still unsure what to make of you.

Having been away from Inkopolis when you first arrived, she obviously had no clue that the rest of her kind already knew of your existence. It stunned her when she first arrived into the battle that there was a real, living human still in the world.

But now she was able to fully grasp that fact now that she wasn't in battle.

Though after a while, her gaze did get slightly uncomfortable so you cleared your throat to try and ease the awkwardness that was building.

"You...alright? You've been staring for quite a while." You said as Three blinked and nodded.

"Yes. I apologise I was just...I can't believe that you're real. Growing up we were all told that humans were extinct and disappeared thousands of years ago." She said.

"I'm as real as anything else! And I am the last of them! As far as I know anyway." You say as a slight frown formed on Three's face.

"And how does that feel?" She asked.

You took a moment to think about how to answer that question. It wasn't an easy one and Three knew that, so she didn't hurry you in any way.

"'s hard. Knowing that everyone I knew and loved have all been dead for thousands of years does get to me sometimes. But I know that they would all want me to keep moving forward as I am blessed with this chance to continue my life." You said.

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