Chapter 21: Y/N and Tartar

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"What do you even intend to do? I promise you that whatever it is, you're making a mistake!" You said, trying to reason with the AI.

"I don't think I am. My primary function was to pass the knowledge only onto those who are worthy. And I don't deem these beings worthy." The AI responded, still not backing down.

"Whatever you saw years ago is not relevant now! They've changed and are peaceful! On the grander scale, their war was tiny compared to the ones we had!" You said.

"I shall stick to my programming. And I want to you join me." It said, taking you by surprise a little.

"Why do you want me to join you? What impact would I have?" You asked.

"You are a human. Using the knowledge I have, you could rebuild what you have lost!" The AI responded.

You shook your head and took a seat on the ground in front of the telephone.

"Well news flash for you, there is no one else. I am the last one. You could try and find more, but I think it would be a waste of time." You said.

This was followed by silence as you sat there waiting for the AI responded. It took a while, but eventually you got one.

"I have been working on making my own new form of life." It said, the voice now less garbled and angry now.

"Your own form of life?" You asked, intrigued.

"Yes. I have spent years down here and sent 10,007 users through these tunnels. The one that you brand as 'Eight' shall be the next." It said.

"Next what?" You asked.

"You shall see when they return. For now, we shall be patient." It said.

"You should still consider joining me. These creatures would stand no sort of chance against you. Their weapons can only do minimal amounts of damage to you. Plus, with schematics and blueprints I have stored in my memory, we could find ways of creating ways of protecting yourself!" The phone tried again to try and win you over, but you still didn't let up.

Now you were on your feet again.

"I am not going to help you destroy these peaceful beings! It's not right. If you were designed to pass on the knowledge to prevent a mass extinction like before, then why have you resorted to being so violent?! At this rate, you'd be no better than the humans that we left in the past." You said.

Then, you felt a slight throbbing in your head. More specifically the same area that you hit when you fell, and then proceeded to get shot by the octolings that you fought with Eight.

" head is really starting to hurt." You mumbled as you took a seat on the ground again.

".....scan complete." You heard the telephone say, which made you turned around.

"What? What did you just scan?" You asked.

"I have been scanning you as we talked. It took a long time and I can now confirm that you were hit by sanitised ink." The phone said as you tilted your head.

"Sanitised ink?" You asked, confused.

"Indeed. I told you, I had spent my time down here making my own forms of life. And that is what it is." It said, only confusing you further.

"The ink? Or the octolings we were fighting? They seemed just like other octolings to me, but the is very discoloured and odd. I've never seen any like it before." You said while gently rubbing your head.

"That is because it is mine. I have blended all sorts of life until they turned into this ink. It has taken years to make the progress I have." It said.

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