Prologue: Awakening

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The sound of a loud hiss woke you from your sleep. It wasn't easy to open your eyes however, as it felt as if they had been glued together.

Then came a loud clunk and the sound of what you guessed was a door opening. That was when you fell forwards, face first onto the floor.

Your head was aching like anything after that fall.

"Owww....shit..." Even your voice was hurting. Your throat as dry as sandpaper.

Finally after laying there on the ground for what felt like hours, you managed to get your eyes opened at last. When they did open, you found that you were staring into the ground.

The next step, was to try and get yourself sat up. That was easier said than done. Your arms felt like jelly. You could hardly feel them at all. Pushing yourself up, you sat up and looked around. At the moment, you could hardly see anything as your eyes were still adjusting.

When they did, you saw that you had woken up in a room with what looked to be bits of machinery. They were absolutely covered in dirt and dust and a few seemed to be in pieces.

Turning your head to look behind you, you saw a big tube. It was the only thing in the room that was actually powered. The light was on and there was a panel beside it displaying information that you could quite read from where you were.

You rubbed the back of your head, trying to remember to what had been going on before you fell asleep. For now though, your memory was failing you.

After being sat on the floor for who knows how long, you managed to get on your feet. You wobbled and stumbled a bit, but it didn't put you off.

As you made your way over to the panel beside the big tube, you slipped over and attempted to break your fall by grabbing onto something. Your hand hit a button on the panel, causing a message to start playing.

"If you are hearing this message then by some miracle, we have managed to preserve your life to survive the extinction of humanity." That opening alone caused your eyes to widen and your stomach to drop.

It continued. "I do not know what the world will be like for you in the future, or even if you'll be able to survive long after being released from your cryogenic chamber. But I would rather believe that you will be able to survive. I'm not sure if you remember, but there are others who volunteered like yourself. Whether they survived for you to find out."

Still you were speechless. "Your items will hopefully still be stored in the locker near the door. That is if it has all managed to survive as long as you. As for food and water, there is also a small supply for you stored away. The code to open the unit they are stored in will be displayed after this message."

Whoever was talking was interrupted by a loud bang and loud screaming. They then continued speaking, but a lot more panicked than before. "Good luck survivor! We have done our best to make sure that our species has a chance! Godspe-." The message then cut off.

You sat there unmoved. Frozen in shock and fear after hearing all that. "Am I....dreaming?" You thought as you rubbed your eyes and pinched yourself a little.

Nothing changed. This wasn't a dream. This was real. And it was very quickly turning into a nightmare.

You burst into tears. Everything had hit you so quickly after you had just woken up. It was too much to bear. You sat there crying for a long time too, those words telling you of humanity's downfall was hanging over you.

After a while, you managed to calm yourself down somewhat. Knowing that there was no point in remaining here to just wallow in sadness, you began to make up a plan.

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