Chapter 11: A Chance To Reflect

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You sat alone at the entrance to Octo Canyon, overlooking the huge drop towards the second outpost beyond. There was a slight wind blowing and the sky was pretty much clear.

The Great Zapfish had been returned, Marie had been reunited with her cousin and Octavio had been imprisoned in a snow globe.

Yep, it sounded ridiculous but it worked so you couldn't complain.

After weeks of darting around and fighting to retrieve all of the Zapfish, your mission was complete. You hadn't really had any time to reflect on your situation. Nor really grieve for your friends or family.

Everything had happened so quickly, that the memories hadn't come back to you yet. But now they were.

"Well....Mum, Dad....wherever you are, I hope you're watching on and are proud of me. I did what both of you would've done. These people needed my help and I gave it to them...." You sighed and buried your face in your hands. "I-I just wish you were here with me....not beyond my reach....w-why couldn't you both survive too...."

Tears slowly began to fell as you tried your best to console yourself and stop crying. As you did, you felt a hand rest gently on your shoulder.

"Y/N? Is everything okay?" It was Four. The yellow inkling took a seat next to you as you nodded and wiped your eyes.

"Just needed a moment to myself. Everything just suddenly hit home again. The last few weeks have been so crazy that I kinda forgot about my situation....." You sighed.

" do know that you're not alone! Even though we've finished, we're still gonna be friends and see each other everyday right?" Your turned to face her. The signature smile spread across her face, which made you smile too.

"Of course we are! Thanks Echo...." She gently nudged you and rested her head on your shoulder.

"You're welcome...." You both sat there in silence for a while. One of her arms snaked around you, as you soon found one of yours wrap around her waist.

"Marie did tell me to find you and bring you back to her. She said that Callie wanted to meet you." Echo broke the silence.

"Really?" You asked, already pulling yourself up to your feet, only to be stopped by Echo.

"They can wait a little longer though.....I wanna enjoy this moment with you a little longer....." That was enough to get you to sit back down next to her.

"Sure. I don't see why not." You laid your head on top of hers, causing her to blush a little. But she smiled and shuffled further into you.

"You're really warm.....I like it...." Her voice was muffled, but you could still just about hear her. A slight bit of heat entered your cheeks.

"'re right though. This is warm.....and it feels nice....." You felt so embarrassed, struggling to get the words out.

This did cause Four to giggle though, which made it slightly worse.

"'re getting flustered?~ That's kinda cute actually....." That didn't help at all either.

"Y-you're not helping at all...." You grumbled which made her giggle again.

"Good to know he seems somewhat easily flustered....he's already pretty cute. But that just amplifies it! I can't wait to do it more~...." A devious smirk formed on her face at the thought of it.


"Sorry for making you wait Marie. I was just....having a moment to myself." Eventually, you did have to go back and see Marie. Much to Four's dismay.

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