Chapter 5: Worried Sick

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You and Marie were talking for hours, about inkling culture and human culture too. Of course, she was extremely curious and the more you told her, the more she would ask you to continue and say more.

"What was your life like know." She asked this question carefully, not wanting to upset you too much.

"Well....simple. That's the best word to describe it. I went to school, I studied and I was close to graduating. However I obviously didn't get my chance." She slowly nodded and kept her head bowed afterwards. "What about you?"

She lifted her head up again. "I was mainly raised by Gramps. In fact, he raised me and Callie. When I was quite young, Gramps entered us both into a singing competition. We won it and from there, began an extremely successful singing career!" A large smile spread across her face, which dropped pretty quickly. "But of course....that didn't last too long. Now I'm stuck doing this job, with Callie missing along with the Zapfish." She sighed.

You gently put a hand on her shoulder and patted it. "Everything will be fine! Don't give up."

"...of course it will. Besides, if a being long thought extinct can come back to life, then surely I'll be able to find my cousin!" A renewed hope filled Marie's body as her smile returned.

"Exactly!" You exclaimed, just as you heard the clanging of metal. It made you jump to your feet, but you were quickly calmed by Marie.

"That must be Agent 4! She's finally back from her mission!" The inkling jumped to her feet and grabbed her parasol.

From through the rock arch, came an inkling with short tentacles wearing a yellow jacket and big pair of black boots.

In fact, she looked extremely familiar....

"Welcome back agent 4!" Marie cheerfully greeted them

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"Welcome back agent 4!" Marie cheerfully greeted them. "Well done on your hard work out there! You're so close to reaching the first Zapfish!" The yellow inkling smiled in response.

Just as she was about to speak, her eyes landed on you and she froze. Her mouth hung agape as she stared at you for a length of time that made you feel slightly uncomfortable.

"Uhhhh...Earth to agent 4? You in there?" Marie gently tapped on her head, causing her to shake it and regain her bearings.

"S-sorry I're the human! From the square earlier!" She was still very much in shock.

You waved awkwardly and smiled. "Y-Yep! And you're the inkling who bumped into me! Hey again." She waved back at you a little, before letting her hand drop again.

" are you here? Did you follow me?" She raised an eyebrow at you.

"Y-yeah I did....sorry about that, I'm just really curious about what's going on and...wanted to know where you were off to in such a hurry." You rubbed the back of your neck, expecting her to yell at you.

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