Chapter 1: Meeting The Natives

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The sun was high in the sky as you finally got to the outskirts of the city. You were out of breath and your energy had been completely zapped.

"Haaaah....I really need some food....." Your stomach began to growl right on cue. Luckily though, you had made it to civilisation.

However the further you ventured into the city, you started to think twice. There were weird symbols everywhere. The signs were written in these weird symbols too. "Huh? Is this meant to be some kind of language?" You said with confusion as you walked closer to one of the signs to get a better look at it.

That was when you heard some weird sounds coming from around the corner behind you. Quickly, you dipped into a nearby bush and waited.

From around the corner came two.....human-like beings. However their hair wasn't like yours at all. Instead, they seemed to have hair made out of....tentacles?

"The hell?" You said as the two beings stopped walking and looked around, seemingly startled. You covered your mouth and stayed silent the whole time they were looking.

Eventually they left once they figured there was nothing there. You let out a sigh of relief and waited for them to fully round the corner before you emerged from the bush. "What were they? They looked human but...." You rubbed your head before getting back to walking.

At this point, you were wandering aimlessly again. You figured it was the best way to get around anywhere at the moment.

You virtually stumbled your way through the city until you came to a large open square. At one end was the massive tower structure that you had seen while you were walking. Either side of the walkway was taken up by what you could only guess were shops of some kind.

As you walked, a song echoed through the square causing you to look up. There was a large screen mounted onto the tower and it was showing two more of these squid-like humans. One had short white and pink tentacles with a little crown on top of her head, the other had long black and green tentacles.

 One had short white and pink tentacles with a little crown on top of her head, the other had long black and green tentacles

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"Y'all know what time it is!!!" The one with the pink tentacles began.

"It's Off the Hook coming at you LIVE from Inkopolis square!" The other one continued.

They were both speaking in the same language as the pair from earlier, however very conveniently there were subtitles in English on the screen below them. "Odd....if they all speak this language, then what's the point of the subtitles?" You shrugged and continued listening.

"Uh, why is our producer freaking out? Read the teleprompter Marina!" Now this piqued your interest. You had only just got here, and there seemed to be something wrong.

"Huh? Let's see here..." The one that you now knew was 'Marina' checked her teleprompter as told and the image on the screen changed.

"THIS JUST IN! The great Zapfish has....disappeared?!" She gasped and covered her mouth.

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