Chapter 8: Discovered

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You and Four ended up making quite the team. On Marie's orders, you began to accompany her on more of her missions other than just the final bosses.

The missions took you to more areas of the octo canyon and introduced you to new foes each time. None of them were any sort of match for the tag team of yourself and Four.

Shortly after beating the octo oven, you were introduced to the weapons expert of the Splatoon. A horseshoe crab called Sheldon who at first was a little wary of you, but quickly grew to trust you after learning you volunteered to help them.

Plus, he saw the comradeship you showed to Four on the mission, sometimes you had to shield her from harm.

What all this increased work did mean was that you were getting pretty tired at the end of day and some of your limbs were sore and ached. Of course, the ink that was being shot at you couldn't kill you, but the velocity it was being fired at you was enough to hurt.

"You alright there Y/N?" You looked up to see Echo sit down next to you. The two of you had just cleared another kettle and retrieved another one of the Zapfish.

"Fine yeah....just feeling a bit sore is all. I'll be fine...." You yawned and hugged your knees up to your chest.

"Mhm....Marie told me that we've done enough for today. I'm about to head home. You coming with?" You nodded your head, not looking up at her though.

"Sure. I'll be right there." The inkling went to leave, but heard you sniffle and decided against it.

" crying?" She asked while putting her hand on your shoulder.

"I just...I-I'm just remembering is all....remembering the old friends and my world before everything turned upside down....a-and I can't even fully remember what ended it all...." You wiped a tear away from your eyes and cleared your throat. "After all this is over and the Great Zapfish is returned and Marie is reunited with her cousin, I'm gonna find out."

Echo nodded and slowly put her arms around you, resting her chin on your shoulder. "And I'll be there with you."

"You really don't have to bother you know." You reply, causing Echo to squeeze you tighter.

"Of course I'm gonna bother! You came here to help us! Why wouldn't I help you when you need it?" Her gaze met yours as you smiled at her and hugged her back.

"You have a point. Thanks Echo." The inkling grinned at you as she leaned in and nuzzled into you.

"You're welcome...." You both embraced each other for a good while. Neither one of your wanting to move from the position you had gotten yourselves into.

"Wanna head back now then? If you like, we could go and get something to eat." You suggested to Echo, who nodded her head ecstatically.

"Sure! I'd love that!"


You returned with Echo to Inkopolis with plenty of time to spare until Pearl and Marina would be meeting you after their shift.

The two of you ended up at Crusty Sean's van. Sean was happy to see you again and curiously, knew Echo already.

"I do come here very often before I do turf war! His food always boosts me for the matches!" She explained later on as you both sat at a table, eating your food.

"Ah right. I really gotta see one of these turf wars soon. Haven't had a chance yet." You took a bite from your food and munched happily. "However I have been busy doing more important things! Recreation can wait." You say after swallowing your food.

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