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I was walking hone from work (yes I still go to work, I'm not going to give up my life. My boss was surprisingly calm.) when I heard a noise in an alleyway. Never learning my lessons, I snuck into the alleyway and heard yipping. I looked around for a moment before finding a little cardboard box. I flipped it open and saw a little puppy. "Oh, poor baby!" I said in a hushed voice.

I scooped up the puppy, along with the blanket they where in before hurrying home. When I got inside Donnie was sitting there, reading. "Oh, Aja, sorry, I let myself in. What's that?" He asked, red-brown eyes widening. "A puppy! I'm gonna keep him, I think." I said, heading to the bathroom. First things first, he needs a bath.

I ran the water and put the puppy in before scooping water onto his head.  The puppy yipped and shook his head. "Can I help?" Asked Donnie in the doorway. "Heh, sure, just be mindful of his baby teeth." I said as the puppy tried nomming my fingers. "So how was work?" Donnie asked me.  "It was fine. The axolotls are a lot friendlier now, and don't mind me handling them as much." I answered, swiping suds off my arms.

"So did anything interesting happen at the lair?" I wondered. "Your advice for Mikey did wonders. He hasn't gone into my lab unsupervised once, and he doesn't touch stuff in there anymore." Donnie replied. "That's good to hear, Don, he won't hurt himself anymore. Or accidently mutate another cat." I said with a smile. I washed the last suds off the puppy and pulled the plug. The water drained and I set the shaky puppy on the counter and began to gently towel him off.

I squealed in shock as the puppy shook off, spraying water on me. I backed into something solid and three fingered hand gripped my biceps. "Hahe, calm down. It's just water." Donnie said with a chuckle. "Oh, hush!" I squealed with a smile.

Axolotls (2012 Donnie×OC)Where stories live. Discover now