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I hate this spider.

No, I hate spiders in general.


But this one is near the top of the things I hate list.

The spider took Donnie. The spider took my boyfriend.

Oh, and Leo too, I guess. But mostly I was upset for Donnie! Raph and I where whisper-screaming from our hiding spots as the spider skittered away, and after a lot of debating and whisper-screaming, we followed.

It led us to a spooky cave. "Um... after you." I said, gesturing to Raph. "No, ladies first." Raph said. "I insist." I retorted. "I insist more." "I insisted first." Suddenly we heard screeching amd ducked into the bushes as the spider shared back out.

".... Race ya!" I whisper-yelled, running into the now spider-free cave.

It was icky. Webs hung off the walls and cocoons of dead and dying animals hung about. Raph and I were careful to not sneeze on anything, much less touch the shit, but eventually we had no choice.

A bunch of cocoons hung together, and familiar bandanas hung from three, while the other two had either ginger or black hair. "Um... you use the sais to cut the, out, I'll stand guard." I said, backing away from the silk coffins.

"Why do I have to do it?" Raph asked. "Simple, if I can see the spider, it can see me, but if I scream and you hear it, you'll have enough time to either cut someone loose to help, or hide behind a rock. I'm doing the dangerous thing, so you can do the stabby thing. " I said, not wanting to risk stabbing someone, or myself.

I sat behind a rock near the entrance, listening for the telltale click of the spider's approach.

Axolotls (2012 Donnie×OC)Where stories live. Discover now