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After the talk with my mother, we returned to the lair to get Casey and April, and while the others went into their rooms for extra supplies, I followed Donnie into his lab, a bright red across my face.

"Donnie, can we talk?" I asked tentatively. "Sure, is something wrong?" He asked. "Despite the bloody nightmare of Sirus getting kidnapped? Kind of." I stated. This made him pause his work and turn to me, a concerned look on his green face.

"I...." I tried to find words, but opted to be blunt. "I like you, Donnie. Like like you. And I thought I would tell you because I don't know what will happen to me." I said, bending down the look Donnie in the eye, my hands on the armrest of his chair.

His eyes went wide, his face turned red, and I swear I could see the smoke as his brain malfunctioned. "I- you- we- like- can.... can we go out after this?" He asked shyly, red and fiddling with his hands.

I gave a little smile and said "Sure." before cupping the sides of his face and pressing a slow, shy kiss to his lips.

At first he tensed up, but after a heartbeat he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer against him.

Thirty minutes later we where in the ceiling rafters, staring down at my brother father, the Kraang, and the fishpeople.

Sirus was so scared, tied to a chair. Before we could react my father started screaming, and a knife got buried in my brothers back.

We jumped down, weapons out. The Kraang fired at us and the fishpeople threw spears, but the humans fled up.

Just when I thought we had won, Sirus in Leo's arms by the door, I heard something. I turned, tail disturbing the liquid at my feet. My father had lit a match, and I saw his evil smirk.

He dropped the match. "It's kerosene!" I yelled, pushing Donnie onto dry earth.

At first, I didn't feel it. I thought maybe I was wrong. But suddenly the pain hit me like a truck, and I screamed in agony, falling over as my clothes caught fire and burned me alive.

Axolotls (2012 Donnie×OC)Where stories live. Discover now