Chapter 6|Im a surgeon, not an electrician!

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"I have a flashlight in the kitchen drawer. Let me go get it." Meredith jumped up and ran to the kitchen.

"Where's your fuse box, Meredith? Maybe it just blew the fuse" he walked behind her before taking the flashlight from her hand. "It's in the laundry room, just through that door." She smiled before he walked away and she followed him into the small room.

Derek opened up the box before glancing to Meredith over his shoulder. "Which is the central switch?" He mumbled. Meredith just looked at the box. Could she be any more stupid.

"I don't have any idea, Derek" she looked at him. "You're a surgeon, but you don't know how your electricity box works?" He said bemused but he didn't let himself smile. Meredith continued to look at the box, praying she could remember which switch was which. Eventually she gave up with a frustrated groan. Derek raised his eyebrow at her.

"I'm a surgeon, not an electrician, Derek!" She said exasperated before reaching around him and flicking all the switches in hopes that one would work. Nothing turned on. "It's a power cut. I'll go get some candles" she said before storming away.

Derek laughed to himself.

They both returned to the living room before Derek knelt in front of the fire. "It's a nice place you've got" he said as the began to strike a match to light the fire. "Yeah. It does it's job, nothing glamorous, always cold, but always filled with people" she smiled at him. "You've got roommates?" He asked as he came to sit in front of her. She handed him a bottle of water. "Yeah, George and Izzie. And now Alex seen as him and Izzie are engaged. And Cristina comes over when she's not at the hospital. This is everyone's house" she smiled again, grateful for the good memories this house had given her.

Derek watched her. Something in the tone of her voice colluded vulnerability. "It's nice, a little dusty, but ni-" he trailed off but she interrupted him."I'm a resident, I have no time to clean" she laughed. "Was it your moms house?" Derek asked mindlessly. Straight away he noted she was picking the skin around her nails. "Yeah- it was- is- was-" she stuttered before daring to look back up to him, only to be met with a softened expression. "Family not the best subject?" He looked at her. She shook her head. "No. Just a hard childhood" she smiled sadly at him. "I get it. Family. Its never easy" he looked away.

"Is that why you never smile; family?" Meredith turned to him and took another sip of water. He looked back to her. "I smile!" He defended which made Meredith laugh. "I'm yet to see you smile or laugh, Dr Shepherd." Derek sighed in disbelief. Was it that obvious how miserable he was?

"I'm a happy person" he continued to defend himself which only made her laugh more. "Okay Mr getting-me-fired-because-I-did-a-better-job-than-you" she laughed loudly. "I'm so sorry about that" Derek said nervously, still regretting what he'd done. Meredith picked up the medical magazine and swatted his leg with it.

"I can't wait to prove everyone wrong when I go into neuro..." Meredith said. "And I can't wait either" Derek said before he split the last slice of pizza in half and handed it to her. "You're going to make an incredible surgeon, Meredith. With or without neuro, or Richard, or your family problems. You've got talent and a big heart. That's enough for anyone" Derek said as they both settled into the sofa.

Meredith eyes filled with tears and she wasn't sure why. She fanned her face, blinking away the tears. "I don't know why I'm crying" she laughed emotionally. Derek put his arm around her, pulling her close. "Because no one's told you how great you are?" Derek asked. She just shook her head.

"Well you're pretty great"

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