Chapter 37| The first night

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These next few chapters are just going to be cute moments and sexy time just to fill out a few chapters and push the story on :)

"Hey, you made it" Derek smiled as he loaded the suitcases into the back of his car. "I told you I'd be here" she laughed as she helped him move that cases. "We're only going for 5 days, why is you bag so heavy?!" Derek exclaimed. Meredith only laughed harder. "You think I only packed one outfit for the biggest meeting of my career?" she said before locking up the trailer.

Derek laughed as he climbed into his car. She joined him in the passenger side where he leaned over and kissed her gently. "Hmm" he hummed, knowing full well that the rest of their vacation would be spent naked in bed, so a few outfits for their D.C visit was acceptable. He was excited for their little getaway. As much as the visit was to help her relax, it was also a little vacation for him. The nights were long and the days were even longer, and they rarely had the chance to just be Derek and Meredith, only being Dr Grey and Dr Shepherd as they pulled off 140 hour weeks.

"Stop looking at me like that!" She snapped as soon as she caught him staring. "Like what?" He smirked at her. "Like you've seen me naked!" She said before turning away. Derek leaned into her, bringing his lips to her ear. "Oh but I have, and I'm going to see you naked a lot more this weekend" he whispered before nipping her ear and pulling away to turn on the engine. Meredith shuddered as his hot breath engulfed her body.

They drove in comfortable silence as Derek drove them to the airport. Once they'd checked in and gone through security, they sat down on some of the chairs as they waited for their flight to be called. Meredith let out a nervous sigh as she bounced her leg up and down. "Hey, you nervous?" He placed his hand on her thigh as he brought his arm over her shoulder. "Not for the flight, just D.C in general" she smiled at him as she leaned into his body and cuddled into his chest. "Don't worry about D.C, just enjoy the vacation for now." He reassured her before kissing her. "When was the last time you took a vacation?" He asked her. She laughed a little. "Intern year. Me and Izzie went to Florida for 2 weeks" she said. "What about you? When did you last go?" She asked. Derek paused for a moment to think. "Um... probably my honeymoon with Addison. We went to the Caribbean. It was nice" Derek shrugged

"You said we'd talk, is now a good time?" Derek asked her as he kissed the top of her head. Meredith sighed, knowing they had to get past this disagreement before they could enjoy their vacation together.

"You shouldn't have just told Richard we were taking the vacation, not if it meant Mark and Addison are coming back. That's something you should have spoken to me about before. I know they're your history, but it's our future Derek, and that was a decision you shouldn't have made straight away because who knows what might happen. I don't want to see you the way you were at thanksgiving, but you might well end up back there seen as you chose this vacation" Meredith rambled on. Derek only nodded, listening to her every word. "My only concern was making you happy, Meri. Having you happy and comfortable both in and out of work is more important than them, that's why I did it. I'm sorry, I should have come to spoken to you. It was unfair"

Meredith nodded. Of course she knew why he did it, but the mere thought that he'd choose her over himself scared her to death. Of course she loved him, but now she was imagining a future with him and that was a huge step for her.

She took a deep breath. "I love you" she smiled at him as her hands wandered through his curls. "I love you more" he said before kissing her deeply, enjoying the warmth of her lips as she explored his mouth. "Mmm-" she pulled away suddenly, regretting her decision instantly. "Where are we even staying?" She asked. "Maryland. At a log cabin resort in one of the state parks. It has a jacuzzi and is apparently very very quiet" Derek smiled before he kissed her again. She grinned at him. "I'm so excited" she whispered. "Me too"

They eventually boarded their plane and flew to Maryland before hiring a rental and driving to the cabin. "Derek-" Meredith whispered as she walked around the cabin, looking at the small basket that was on the bed. "Your favourite chocolate, your favourite movie, some fuzzy socks because your feet at like icicles, a brochure of the spa they have here, a menu for the restaurant I've booked us in at... oh and I wrote you a little note" he smiled at her as he handed her the folded paper. She eyed him sceptically as she opened it up.


Thank you so much for all the hard work
on our clinical trial and all the work you've
put in to be a brilliant surgeon. You're incredible
and I'm so proud of you and the surgeon you've

And thank you for being the best person in the
world- my rock & my grounding. It's not been an
easy journey, but I wouldn't have wanted to do it
with anyone else. I love you so much.

All my love,
Derek x

Meredith bit her lip as her tears sprung in her eyes. "Der..." She whispered before walking over to him. With no words to express how she was feeling, she simply wrapped her arms around his waist. "Thankyou" she whispered before kissing him slowly. He dipped her back slightly as he kissed her deeper, savoring the moment. "I love you" he said before kissing her lips again, holding her body against his as he explored her mouth.

"Hmm- how about you show me just how much in that bath?" She amused him as she pulled away and slowly trailed upstairs, swaying her hips a little more to taunt him. "The bath? That's new" he said as he followed behind her with a big grin on his face. "We both can barely fit in your shower at home, a bath is a luxury these days" she laughed as they made it to the bathroom. Home? "Hmm, well we could fit in the shower if you just did that thing, the flexible thing" he winked at her as he pushed himself against her side as she prepared the bath.

They laid down together and covered themselves with bubbles in the dim light of only the candles that flickered around the room. Derek sighed as he closed his eyes, enjoying the complete bliss and relaxation. "This is perfect" Meredith whispered as she closed her eyes. Derek hummed in agreement as he brought his hands to her shoulders. He worked on easing the tense muscles after 5 months of her hard work. She moaned audibly as his hands worked meticulously to relieve the knots in her shoulder. This man and his hands...

"I think I'm too tired for sex" he laughed weakly into her neck before kissing her. His hands slowly roam her body. "Well that would be a first" she smirked as his hands trailed to her hips. "It's 2am" he whispered as he kissed her neck and laughed as he tipped them back into the water a little bit more.

His hands continued wandering before they eventually parted her folds and he began rubbing her clit slowly. "Mmm, Derek" she moaned as she closed her eyes and grabbed his other hand. Her body went limp and relaxed as he slowly began pleasuring her. "Mmm- I think I might be too tired now" she sighed as she enjoyed the new found feeling of pure relaxation. "Do you want me to stop?" Derek paused for a moment as his tone grew serious. "No" she whined before he continued his ministrations as he gently stroked her clit with his thumb.

"Derek" she gasped as she felt her orgasm burning up inside her. He held her body steady before whispering in her ear, "just relax and enjoy". He slowed his movements when he sensed she was teetering on the edge and her breathing grew heavy. "Derek" she moaned his name loudly before her orgasm controlled her body and she lost all sensibility.

After helping her down from her high, he wrapped his arms around her waist. They appreciated 10 minutes of silence and the feeling of just being safe in one another's arm as the candles began to burn out. "Sweetheart" he whispered as he gently shook her sleepy body. "Come on, the waters getting cold, let's go to bed" he said before he helped her out the tub and they dried off.

They quietly walked to the bedroom where they both collapsed on the bed as they both fought the impending sleep. "Love you" Derek mumbled as Meredith laid her head against his chest. "Love you too" she whispered before they both fell fast asleep.

If only she knew she'd be laying in this exact same position next week, covered in blood, waiting for his heart to beat again...

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