Chapter 38| Forever

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tw: mentions of rape & sexual assault
This is going to be a long chapter compiling all the days of their vacation because I want to get back to the storyline now because I'm impatient lol

"Hmm. Morning" Meredith whispered as she came down the stairs of the cabin to Derek who was sat at the small table in the kitchen. "Afternoon" he smiled at her as he sipped his coffee. She had a blanket around her shoulders but she wrapped her arms around him, engulfing them both in the blanket. "Is it afternoon?" She said quietly. He nodded. "It's 1pm" he smiled before tuning to kiss her cheek.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked as they both looked at the crossword that was in front of him. "Like a dream" she said before reaching around them and grabbing the pen before filling in one of the words. "Did you?" She asked before she let go of their warm cocoon and walked around the kitchen. She poured herself a coffee. "Yeah, I woke up at 10. Went on a run, unpacked our bags and solved a crossword puzzle and just waited for you to get up" he smiled at her before he stood up and grabbed her coffee cup. "Thats cold now" he said before pouring it down the sink. She frowned at him, gently pushing him against the kitchen counter.

"That was my coffee" she whinged as she placed both her hands on his chest. "And it was cold, so what are you going to do about it" he smirked at her as his hands held her hips against him.

She reached for his shirt, pulling it over his head as she came to kiss him. "Hmm- we need to schedule more time for sex" she mumbled against his lips. "Schedule it? We don't need to schedule it. Be spontaneous" he said as he kissed along her jaw and down her neck , enticing a moan from her. "I am spontaneous. You're the one that doesn't want everyone to know about us at the hospital" Meredith said breathlessly as he squeezed her breast. "Hmm- on call rooms, the office, the trailer, a supply closet. There's loads of places we could hide" he said. Meredith giggled and it was music to his ears. "Fine, we'll make the time" Derek continued as he came back to her lips.

After kissing him passionately for a few minutes, she slowly dropped to her knees, allowing her hands to trace his abdomen. "You don't need to do that" Derek sighed as she palmed his bulging erection through his shorts before slowly pulling them down along with this boxers, taking him in her mouth...

After 4 rounds of serious lovemaking, they laid together on the sofa in each other's arms as the sun began to set. Meredith laid there in wonderment, thinking of all that had happened the last few months. "You okay? You seem quiet" he asked. "Just thinking" she whispered as she cuddled further into his chest. "Penny for your thoughts?" He kissed her head gently. "I think I want you to meet my mom" Meredith said as she threaded her hand to his. "Huh?" Derek asked confused. "Well if we're moving forward and thinking positive, I'd at least like you get you meeting my mother out the way" Meredith shrugged before sitting up.

"Okay" Derek smiled. Meeting Ellis Grey (again) was not on his list of priorities but it obviously was for Meredith so he agreed. "Okay" she repeated.

After another 5 minutes of laying in silence, Meredith stood up. "I need some fresh air" she said as she walked to the stairs. "Do you want to go on a walk? There's a lake here, it's probably frozen over. We could watch the sunset" he smiled as he followed her upstairs to change. She nodded as she changed into some sweats and grabbing one of his warm jackets. "You're lucky I brought two" Derek warned jokingly. Meredith laughed.

They eventually set off on their walk. He looked over at her as clouds of condensation formed in front of her face, making him laugh. He reached for her hand, intertwining their hands as they walked through the trail. "this is nice" Meredith said as she leaned into his side where he wrapped his arm over her shoulder. "It is. We need to do this more often" he said. "Hmm- what about our hours though?" Meredith asked. "I'm not suggesting we take a vacation every month, but you know, maybe we could make a date night a regular thing. I haven't even taken you on a real date yet" Derek countered as they approached the lake. "I'd like that" Meredith smiled at him before kissing him.

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