Chapter 26| Secret files

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(I didn't proof read this but let me know what you think!!)

Meredith walked into the operating room where she was met with the faces of her friends and her little sister. Meredith didn't have family, but these people were it for her. Family.

"Once again he's not here to say it" Meredith laughed a little "but it's a beautiful night to save lives" she said as she took the scalpel from Bokee's hand.

Holy shit! I'm operating on Derek's kid. Oh my god. Where is he though!

Arizona and Meredith worked on the small child as Alex and Izzie stepped in to suction and help out. Lexie was there with some textbooks and bottles of water, trying her best to help everyone out in this situation and that if they needed any guidance, the textbooks would help.

"Okay, there's the aneurysm. I thought we were told it had burst? Whys it still filled with blood?" Meredith frantically looked to Izzie who had pulled out the scans. "It did burst, these are the scans" she pointed to the burst aneurysm on the MRI scan.

"He's got two?!" Meredith exclaimed as she looked at Izzie petrified. She'd never come across this, or heard of this before. Bursting an aneurysm and growing another within an hour? The gods must hate her today.

"Yeah Mer, I can't find anything in the books about this. But it say that aneurysms need to be suctioned properly because the blood from the burst can reinfect the vessel and that leads to-" Lexie read the lines on the page. "It can lead to septic shock" Meredith concluded before she looked at the monitors. "His white cell count has gone up 3 points" Alex noted. They all looked at each other.

"He's going to go into septic shock if we don't do this quick" Meredith said as she stared at this surgical phenomenon. She closed her eyes and focused on her breathing before she looked up to the gallery.

She was met with a pair of distraught blue eyes.

He's here.

Think. Think. Think.

"O-okay. Let's get him on prophylaxis. Izzie get here, I need your brain to help me." She called Izzie up as Robbins took a step back. "Suture up the 1st one, then clip the 2nd?" Meredith looked to her for help. "Yeah totally, but what if that one bursts whilst you clip it?" Izzie asked as she pointed to it. "Well it's just going to not have to. What choice do we have? He won't survive 2 bursts" Meredith said. Izzie nodded. "Let's do it" she she whispered as the two residents worked on the first burst. "What clip do you need, Mer?" Alex asked as they began working on the 2nd.

Meredith paused. I don't know. She looked up to Derek, searching for any help. He only nodded at her. "Um- err- give me a minute, Alex" she said as she closed her eyes tight, trying to remember what came next. "We don't have a minute, Mer! He's going to die if you don't think fast!" Alex shouted at her. "Give her a minute, Alex!" Izzie shouted at her fiancé.

Incision, skull flap, suction, bleeder, suture, suction...

"I need a 4mm clip" Meredith said with a nod. "The clip can't be decided until it needs to be clipped. It can change in size. But I need a 4mm clip please." Meredith reassured herself aloud before she looked up to Derek. He smiled a little.

"Okay. I need everyone to back off here. This thing is about to blow and I need silence and no movement if we don't want it to burst" Meredith said. They all stepped back, taking steps towards the wall. Meredith's heart was beating so far she swore she was going to pass out any second now. Her vision was blurry and her ears were echoing. You're enough. You. Are. Enough.

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