Chapter 39| D.C and first dates

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This is the last of the nice, sweet, cute chapters for a while. Prepare yourself for heartbreak from this point onwards.

"Meredith, are you ready to go?" Derek called into the house as he loaded the suitcases into the rental car. "Yeah, just putting my shoes on!" She called back. She quickly slipped on her shoes before leaving the cabin and locking the door. He stretched out his hand for her to take as they walked to the car and climbed in.

"It's a 2 hour drive" Derek said as he set up the satnav. "Okay" Meredith smiled at him as she got comfy in the seat. "Are you nervous?" Derek asked as he placed his hand on her thigh. "I wouldn't say I'm nervous, at least not for the project. But if this is something we agree to do, leave Seattle, I worry about a lot of things. My mom, what Richard will think, us moving in together. It'll be a lot" Meredith explained. Derek listened to her concerns, nodding understandingly. "We'll just take it a step at a time. I just don't want you to rush your choice. There's no pressure" he squeezed her thigh gently.

After a few hours, they finally arrived at their hotel in D.C. "Meri, wake up, we're here" he said as he gently shook her. She groaned and pulled away from him. He chuckled before leaning over and gently kissing her lips. She slowly stirred. "Come on" he gently pecked her lips one last time before climbing out the car.

They checked in and took their bags up to the room. "We've got an hour before the meeting" Derek said as he pulled off his shirt.  Meredith watched him, or his abs, but either way she was hypnotised. "We don't have time for sex" she giggled as she walked over to him and placed her hand over his beating heart. He just laughed. "I'm a guy. Guys walk around shirtless. It's not always sexual" he chuckled before tapping her nose playfully and walking away. He flopped on the bed, reaching for the remote. "Well we need to get ready" Meredith exclaimed as she watched him turn on the tv. "You go have a shower and freshen up, then I'll grab a shower and get ready." Derek shrugged.

"You have spent weeks trying to convince me to come on this trip, and now you're being so casual about it?" Meredith asked. Derek laughed. "Go have your shower" he said before throwing a pillow at her. She paused when her hair was ruffled, turning to him. "Oh you're gonna pay for that" she said through gritted teeth before jumping on him and grabbing another pillow, smashing it into his face. He laughed loudly, grabbing her waist and throwing her on her side. He attacked her neck with ticklish kisses as she screamed. "Get off of me!" She screamed in defeat when he laid his whole bodyweight on her. He kissed her lips fervently and passionately, holding her small frame against his. "Mmm- Derek- seriously- we need to get ready-" she moaned against his lips. He sighed dramatically, gently pushing her back onto her back.

"You're no fun" he sighed as he laid on his back, his mind dizzy from the heated kiss. Sometimes it was hard to believe that this woman was his.

Meredith laughed as she climbed off the bed and walked into the bathroom. Derek laid and watched TV for 10 minutes before she walked out. "It's nice to use a normal sized shower" she laughed as she walked to the dressing table and started drying her hair.

After an hour, they were both ready and walking down the hallway hand in hand. "You ready?" Derek looked to her, coming to stroke her cheek gently. She nodded quickly, "yeah" she replied.

They walked 2 blocks away where the hospital was where they were greeted by a team of people. "Dr Grey, Dr Shepherd" an older man outstretched his hand for them to shake. "It's nice to finally meet you, Dr Cavenaugh. Meredith, this is Dr James Cavenaugh, the director of the project" Derek introduced her as his hand rested on her lower back comfortingly. "It's a pleasure to meet you" Meredith smiled as she shook his hand. "Likewise, Meredith. Derek here has been showing me all your work on your clinical trial and some of the ideas you had for other trials? I have to say, I'm impressed. You're a very talented surgeon." He explained. Meredith looked to Derek with a knowing glare. She had a note book of ideas, just brainstorming, which she'd shown Derek months ago, but he must have gone back and looked through her work.

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