Chapter 19| Sister, sister

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*a bit of a filler chapter, bare with me here*

Meredith's POV:

I wake up to the sound of music and what sounds like footsteps outside as I roll over in bed and groan. Who the hell plays music at this time in the morning?! I open my eyes to see I'm in Derek's bed. Oh crap!

I racked my brain of what happened last night. Come on, come on, Meredith! Crap, why can't I remember anything! Okay, you went out with Lexie, you went to some bars and then- damn it why can't I remember!

I decided the one person that would probably know would be the persons bed I woke up in. I climbed out his bed, much to my disgust, before I walked through the trailer and to the door.

Oh. My. God.

Derek. Freaking. Shepherd. SHIRTLESS.

Breathe, Meredith, BREATHE.


"Hey, you're awake!" He called as he jumped up from his push ups and jogged over to her. "Um- hi" she stood in the doorway. "How you feeling?" Derek smiled at her. "Um- hungover I think. And confused. How did I get here last night?" Meredith looked at him, trying her best not to focus on his chest or abs.

"We ran into each other at the bar. Me, you, Lexie and Mark" Derek reminded her gently before reaching to grab a towel to wipe his sweat. "Oh. Who's Mark?" She asked as she watched him. Thank you god for giving me this glorious sight. "Mark, my friend. Do you not remember anything?" Derek stopped and looked to her. She just shook her head. "You guys came over to us, you were drunk and upset, we went outside to talk, you apologised for what happened, you told me about your parents and... yeah that was about it. You said you wanted to sleep here" Derek shrugged before taking a sip of his water.

"Well drunk Meredith seems a lot more reasonable than sober Meredith" she chuckled, "I should have apologised sooner. I'm sorry it took me 12 shots to say that" Meredith said as she picked at her fingers. "It's fine" he shrugged. "Did I say anything stupid?" She asked carefully. Derek laughed. "Yeah, but you're lucky you don't remember" he mumbled before going back to his yoga mat, starting some burpees.

Meredith just rolled her eyes at his moodiness, too hungover to deal with him. "Okay, I'm gonna get my stuff and go!" She shouted over his loud music. "Just stay, bring your stuff back, we've still got 6500 hours to go!" Derek shouted breathlessly as he continued his burpees. Meredith continued to watch him, her eyes now focusing on his bulging triceps, her body becoming flush.

She decided not to reply and just went back inside. She wondered about everything last night, and why all of a sudden her and Derek felt in a completely different place than they were before their argument. Not necessarily in a bad place, but things just felt a lot more comfortable; less like colleagues and more like good friends

Meredith jumped back on his bed and switched on the TV before grabbing her phone and reading a text from her sister.

Lexie💜: Me and Shepherdess are going to lunch if you want to join

Meredith: Okay, be at your apartment in 15 :)

Meredith sighed, still feeling a little nauseous from the night before. At that she noticed she actually had vomit in her hair. Was I that bad, again? She quickly got showered and changed before grabbing her purse and finding here shoes. She went to open the door when suddenly she was met by a shirtless Derek. His shorts hung low on his hips and he was no longer making her body flush, it was making her burn. "Um-hi-" she stuttered as she tried to focus on his dreamy eyes. "Hi?" Derek said. "I've got to go, I'm meeting your sister and my sister for lunch" she smiled nervously. Derek frowned.

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