Chapter 9| Hour 1

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"Dr Grey, good evening" Derek said as he walked up to her in the lobby. They hugged awkwardly and laughed nervously as he lead her upstairs to his office. As they walked, they talked; "Did you rest well?" Derek asked her. She laughed a little. "Hungover, but yeah it was nice to sleep in" Derek nodded.

They walked into his office and saw the room had been readjusted a little. "This office is now your office too. There's a fridge over there, this is the A.C, there a cubby just under here and there's a small bathroom through that door" Derek explained before sitting down. "Attending get it nice, huh?" Meredith looked around, noticing the empty picture frames on his desk.

"Head of Departments get the nice office. This is technically Amy's and did try to give it to her but she doesn't like being tied to a desk, she works from her phone, so she wanted me to keep it." Derek explained as he looked around himself.

"Amy being Shepherdess?" Meredith asked as she turned to look at him. Derek nodded. "She's always been Amy to me, I'm the only one apparently that can call her that" Derek replied.

"So when do we start?" Meredith asked as she sat back down. "Now I guess" Derek said before sliding some papers across the desk. "This is my clinical trial, our clinical trial" he explained as she read through the document. "It's currently going through admin but I've been given the go ahead to start operating next week. Whilst it's early evening, I'd like you to call these numbers and let the families know that the trial is starting and the patient could be called in an any time" Derek handed her a long list of numbers?

"You're doing an Alzheimer's trial? You're brave" Meredith stated shocked before looking to him. "I lost my grandfather to it and I needed the challenge. Are you familiar to the disease or do you need some time to hit the books?" Derek asked. "No- no I'm familiar- b-but I suppose it won't hurt to hit the books as well. Is that everything for me, Dr Shepherd?" Meredith kept her focus down on the paper.

"Yes, Dr Grey. When you're done, head to the pit, page me and we'll go through neuro examinations again. I know Nelson showed you but nothing would surprise me with the standards of this hospital." He explained. "And whilst you're doing that, I'll be doing all the paper work from F.A.C.S to get you registered for your boards. You come with a lot of paperwork, you know?" He said as he clicked his pen. Meredith laughed. "Hopefully it'll be worth it" she said sheepishly. Derek nodded, "we'll make sure it is" he said.

Meredith nodded and walked out the room with her papers, finding an empty conference room. She sighed and began calling some of the numbers. It was joyous, hearing those families so happy the trial was going ahead, but deep down knowing for so many that this would also be what would break their heart. After 12 calls, she decided to take a quick break, standing to go refill her water bottle in the cafeteria.

"Hey Mer, wait up!" She heard Alex call down the hallway. "Alex" she said before the pulled him in for a tight hug. He was confused, but he hugged her tight. "Everything alright, Mer?" He asked slowly as they walked down together. "Overwhelmed. Dereks got an Alzheimer's trial that he wants me involved in and it's heavy stuff, calling all the families and reading his plans for the trial and the disease in general is depressing. I came down here to take a break for 10 minutes. And just this whole 7000 hours thing, I'm on hour 1 and already feeling overwhelmed" she rambled on before chugging her water.

"I would be too, Mer. Just take it slow. Shepherd hasn't piled a load of work on you, has he?" Alex asked. Meredith shook her head. "No, he's great. He wants me taking breaks and not hitting things at 100mph. So I've just got to make these calls and then head to the pit. It's great, I'm just overwhelmed with the thought of 7000 hours." Meredith rambled. "Take it slow, Mer. It'll go by so fast. You and Shepherd will get through it in no time" Alex said. "I though you hated McAss?" Meredith laughed. "He was an ass, but he's also helping my best friend achieve her dreams, so I can't hate him too much. And besides, since he met you, he's nice to me and Iz." Alex laughed.

Meredith nodded and walked away back to the conference room, only to find Derek sat in her seat. "I wondered where you went. I got us coffee" Derek said as he slid the cup across the table. "Thank you, Dr Shepherd" Meredith smiled as she sat down and drank from the cup.

"Mmm, good coffee" she moaned and closed her eyes.

Derek gulped.

"Yeah, there's a much better coffee cart in dermatology" he said as he leaned back. "How are you finding it so far?" He asked. "Good, it's nice to hear the families so happy. I'm a bit overwhelmed but it's going good, I'm glad to be here" she smiled at him but he couldn't quite react.

"Come on, Derek. I'm trying to get you to at least smile out of you. Lighten up" Meredith sighed frustrated, only making him equally as annoyed. "I'm not obligated to smile, Dr Grey" he grumbled and closed his eyes. He was certainly tired.

Derek hadn't been home in days. Work was his salvage, his safe place. It helped him forget his problems and his life in New York. Although he'd never express his love for Seattle, this place was certainly special to him and he did truly love it here. The weather was reflective of his mood, everyone was polite but didn't bother you. His trailer was always home, but work was always his safe space.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" Meredith said exasperated. Derek shook his head. "Sorry, my mind was elsewhere. What were you saying, Meredith?" He focused his attention back on her. "I was saying that we need to get to know each other better. I can't spend 300 days talking to a robot. Let's say 5 things about ourselves and go from there?" Meredith sat up and took another drink. Derek nodded.

"I'll go first" Meredith started. "1) Tequila is my favourite drink 2) I grew up between Boston and Seattle but came back after college 3) I went backpacking in Europe 4) I have a little sister, Lexie, who's a 4th year resident here and 5) I hate Richard Webber" she laughed a little at the end when his eyebrows rose up.

"Well, Meredith, I'm afraid I already knew 3 of them" Derek said, Meredith frowned. "Ive met your sister Lexie, she was one of my best students for the few times I taught her. I know your favourite drink is tequila when that man came onto you at the bar and I totally understand why you hate Webber, and so do I" Derek said as her leaned forward to her challenging stare.

"Are you still claiming you weren't the man that stood up for me in the bar?" Meredith chimed in. "Hmm. I might have to give up that secret, seen are we're going to be working so closely." Derek said.

Oh this man is flirting, Meredith thought as she leaned closer. "I knew I'd finally meet the hot and mysterious stranger" Meredith laughed before pausing, realising what she'd just said. "Oh, so you think I'm hot?" Derek smirked at her. Oh god, Meredith thought as a tingling sensation sung through her body. She turned red, not only flustered but also embarrassed that she'd thought aloud.

"I think you're a gorgeous woman, Meredith" Derek said when she noticed how red she'd gone, hoping to ease the tension.

"Okay, what are your 5 facts?" She ushered on.

"1) My mothers maiden name: Maloney. 2) This scar on my forehead, it's why I don't ride motorcycles anymore. I have 4 sisters. My favourite band is The Clash and finally I have dog called Doc who lives with Amy at the moment"

Meredith smiled, she knew this man wasn't boring.

"You have a dog?" Meredith repeated, Derek nodded. "I have a dog". Meredith laughed a little. "You're not the type of person to strike me as having a dog" Meredith stated.

Derek smiled for the first time.

"I love Doc. He's pretty much all I have at the moment and he's great company. You'll have to meet him some time" Derek now grinned, taking Meredith by surprise.

"I'd love to"

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